030 (pt.2)

543 20 3

since you guys didn't like the actual ending i'm making another one 🤠.

"i'm going to call him," ten says, gripping his phone tightly. "no you're not!" doyoung yells in exasperation, he grabs ten's phone away and sets it far away from the thai male.

"ten," doyoung grabs his shoulders, giving it a light shake, "i need you to forget about him. he doesn't matter." ten's expression hardens. "what do you mean he doesn't matter?!" he shakes off doyoung's hands off and grabs his coffee with both hands, trying to avoid biting his nails like taeyong. taeyong's habit.

  "fine. don't forget about him, but ten, please, focus on your health for once in awhile. you're growing more distressed and skinny, it's not healthy. right jaehyun?" doyoung looks over to jaehyun who was quiet for a long time.

  jaehyun nods and stops slouching in his chair. he looks at ten with serious eyes, ten giving him a roll of eyes back. "doyoung is right. we're worried about you, everyone is." doyoung nods and grabs ten's hands, ignoring jaehyun's small protest.



  "i want to watch you delete his number, now." doyoung says now forcefully. ten's eyes widen, "no?! what!" doyoung clutches his hand, making the other wince. "i know you know his number by heart, it won't hurt anyone. if he calls, then he calls and you pick it up. delete it right now so i can make sure you're not always looking at his contact every second."

  ten scoffs, "what if i add it back again? what will you do?" doyoung's eye slit in a menacing way, making ten and jaehyun shudder even though he didn't do anything. "fine," ten sighs loudly. he reaches for his phone over the table and enters it. he sets his phone down and pulls up taeyong's contact. he looks up to see the jaedo couple staring at him, waiting for him to delete.

  ten bites his lip then scrolls down slowly. when he reaches the delete button he looks up again, seeing doyoung raise an eyebrow. ten hits the delete button then shuts off his phone off immediately.


  both nod.

  doyoung stands up and stretches his arms. "finally, now i can order another bagel and coffee."

  "who's the jaemin now?"


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