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a/n: am i the only one who thought in retro future that they said fuck yeah instead of funky?

"i said you're beautiful." taeyong whispers and brings their faces closer. ten felt a rush of adrenaline come to his face, pretty sure he looks like cherry ready to explode. (cHERRY BOMB FEEL IT YuM)

taeyong cups ten's cheeks and kisses him lightly on the lips. ten pouts and asks for more by scooting closer.

by now, ten was sitting on taeyong's lap. taeyong kisses ten's lips once more. and rests his head on ten's chest. ten purrs and kisses the top of taeyong's head many times.

"shouldn't you meet your family?" ten says in a hush tone. "hmm, you're more important." taeyong responds and wraps his arms around ten. ten giggles.

"please see them at least once for me?" ten pleads and takes a hold of taeyong's warm hands. taeyong looks down at their hands, ten's small hands holding his veiny hands just makes it look adorable. "give me something then." "what is it?" ten asks, he caresses his thumb on taeyong's palm and kisses it lightly. "your love." taeyong grins. ten laughs, "you already have it."

"if i could, i would reveal to everyone that i love you. but my family would immediately kill me." taeyong chuckles. "except for donghyuck and jeno?" "yes, except for them."

"since you already have my love, can we go (up) see your brother?" taeyong sighs. "fine." ten cheers and gets up from taeyong's lap. taeyong pouts and holds ten's hand, enlacing their fingers.

they open the door and the hallway was filled with people. they chattering among each other, some people said hello to taeyong since they knew he was the groom's brother. but some gave them weird looks because they were holding hands.

now they entered the main room and the room was packed. "i see your family is popular?" ten grins and nudges taeyong. he just responds with a shrug and asks someone random where his brother was.

the person pointed at a small crowd in the back, his brother was in a small group that was huddled in the corner with cameras flashing at them.

"is your family like some dangerous mafia group to be this popular?" ten chuckles and holds onto taeyong's arm. taeyong freezes and looks at ten with surprise. ten looked back at him with confusion. "it was a joke. sorry if i offended you..." taeyong quickly shakes his head.

"no no, it's fine."

taeyong was really taken by surprise. he never thought that ten would guess the right thing about his family. sure, he knew that ten also fights, but how would he feel about dating the mafia's son?

a/n : i don't really like this chapter, but my head is in so much confusion right now shsjs. hope you enjoyed the chapter and book :)

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