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taeyong and ten pushed through the crowd, taeyong didn't care if he was scratched or pushed, but he made sure ten wasn't hurt. he hugged ten through the crowd, his broad shoulders blocking anybody's hands.

finally they stood in front of taeyong's brother. "taeyong!" the older male said with a wide grin, taeyong awkwardly stood there with his hands still wrapped out ten. ten nudged him, but he didn't let go.

"hi.. jaejoong." taeyong said with awkwardness, ten nudged him again. he whispered into taeyong's ear, "don't be awkward. it's weird." taeyong rolled his eyes.

"is this your boyfriend?" jaejoong asked with a teasing tone. "ye-" "nice to see you again, taeyong." an older male's voice said behind them. taeyong froze and slowly turned around. this forced ten to turn around also because taeyong was still holding him.

"who is this young man?" taeyong's father said with a kind smile. ten didn't really mind of what was happening with taeyong's face, but he bowed his head. "oh, hello mr..?" "mr.lee , taeyong's father." he held out his hand to shake with ten, which ten gladly accepted. taeyong closed his and cringed real hard, he didn't even bother to say hello.

"it's not nice to not welcome your father." mr.lee says. taeyong opened his eyes and glared at his father, and which ten didn't notice. "hi." taeyong says with a menacing tone.

ten frowned a little, he looked at taeyong who looked back with cold eyes. 'what's wrong?' ten mouthed, taeyong just shook his head and looked back at his father.

"anyways, who is this taeyong?"

"he's my boy-"

"i'm his friend." ten said, interrupting taeyong. taeyong widened his eyes, he opened his mouth to object, but ten shot him a glare.

"yeahh.. he's my friend."

mr.lee nods. "i see, well have fun." he waved goodbye and walked into the crowds of people.

taeyong sighs and looks back, jaejoong was busy with some other person. which was great, he didn't even want to talk to him anyways.

"what was that for?" taeyong hissed. "you said your family was homophobic. i didn't want the weird tension between us and your father." ten said back, he turned around and held taeyong's hands.

"i know that you hate your father, but don't act like this around me. unless it's really needed, like if he stole something from you." ten mumbles and plays with taeyong's fingers. taeyong sighs and rests his forehead on ten's small shoulder.

"i just feel so stressed when i'm around my older brother and father."

"and i don't feel safe around my father because i'm afraid he'll take away something important from me. which is you." taeyong included very softly, hoping ten didn't hear.

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