591 37 13

  it's time to not fucking procrastinate anymore

[short chapter] :(

"his car was here," doyoung says, pointing at the empty space where supposedly taeyong's car was.

  ten nods and plays with his hoodie's sleeve. it was one of taeyong's, it was actually the one taeyong was wearing in the video where he was rapping while they were shopping for suits.

  "do you think someone took him? like his.. dad?" ten softly questions. doyoung shakes his head. "we went to his house, no one was there except for the servants, they said he was out in a business in japan." ten presses his lips together.

  "has anyone looked in there?" ten asked, pointing at the dark woods. doyoung frowns, "i think the police did, also johnny and yuta."

ten nods again.

"how long?"


"fuck, ten. i think they're lost. it's been days that they went in there, johnny promised me he would call." doyoung said with a scared expression.

  "should we go?!" ten nervously says, staring into the darkness for a long time.

  "n-no.." doyoung shakes his head. "we can go tomorrow." ten frowns. "but-" "no, i'm taking you home now." doyoung cuts him off and grabs his arm.

  "we're here," doyoung says, slightly shaking ten out of his nap. ten lets out a small groan. "ten, promise me you won't go there secretly?" ten rubs his eyes and mumbles, "i don't even have a car, how do you expect me to go there late at night." "just promise me," doyoung lightly chuckles. "i promise," ten says and pats doyoung's shoulder. "bye." "bye, sleep well." doyoung says back, waving ten bye.

  (can i say doten is like so cute? it's like a brotherly ship? i love them so much even though they look like they hate each other's guts)

  doyoung nervously played with his fingers while jaehyun was laying beside him playing on his phone. "baby what's wrong?" jaehyun asks, setting down his phone and wrapping arm around doyoung's waist.

  "nothing," doyoung mumbles.

  "are you sure? you look nervous and keep sighing." jaehyun says softly. he lets doyoung turn over and hug him back, his face snuggled up against his neck. "i'm just worried that johnny and yuta are lost. they haven't called yet."

  "i'm sure they're aren't lost. maybe no service or their phones are dead," jaehyun says, trying to comfort doyoung. "yeah.. sure.." doyoung sighs.

  "let's sleep hm?" jaehyun asks, looking down at doyoung. doyoung nods and pecks jaehyun's cheek, jaehyun grins and turns off their lamp.

  he once again hugs doyoung and spoons him.

  their peaceful sleep was disturbed by jaehyun's phone. doyoung groans and hits jaehyun. jaehyun sighs and grabs his phone. he doesn't bother to check who it is, "hello?" he croaks.

  "jaehyun, i think we found a body," johnny says breathlessly.


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