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  ten groans beside taeyong who was just peacefully sitting there. "stop groaning," taeyong hisses "i'm trying to have some peace right now."

  ten ignores him and groans.

  "stOp." taeyong says once more, his voice now demanding. "s-sorry." ten squeaks. "but i should've remembered!" "remember what?" taeyong asks, his arm wrapping around ten's shoulders.

  "every halloween we go to a haunted house and the challenge is to not scream. whoever has the most screams loses and the loser and his or her partner isn't allowed to eat." (this is based on nct life in osaka, and i kind of wanted them to go to osaka, but that was just a last minute thought.)

  "oh." taeyong responds. "i suppose you lost every time?" he says with a laugh. ten blushes and hides his face. "maybe, maybe not."

  "aw, don't worry. i'll protect you~" taeyong teases. "oh please, maybe you'll scream more than me." ten grumbles and stomps his feet like a whiney child.

  taeyong chuckles and pushes back his hair.

  "hush now!" yelled mr.kim. he slammed down a book with a loud slam, immediately the class quiets down and turn to face the teacher.

"since this school won't fucking pay for our trips anymore, we aren't able to go to osaka sadly." mr.kim says in a disappointed tone, also wiping away a fake tear. "it was fun hearing you kids scream like idiots, but hey, i'm glad we booked this haunted house."

some students groaned is disappointment.

"in 35 minutes we're heading off, so i'm allowing you guys to go home and gather up all your things. because we're also staying the night there." mr.kim laughed with a wink, making the groaning louder.

it was no use to try to escape, because with mr.kim, you can never escape. he'll find you someway and snatch you, making you plead and scream for help.

"i don't see the big deal." taeyong says, stuffing his clothes in his bag. "whatever, but mr.kim will do anything extraordinary to make us scream." ten sighs, he sits down on taeyong's bed and lays down.

"as if i'm going to scream."

"yeah? well, maybe i'll have to ask jeno or donghyuck." ten sneered, he immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

"no! wait!" yelled taeyong.

oof sorry for not posting and ending the chapter without taeyong screaming his ass off :((

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