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omg, i finally updated this book after a million years
forgive meeee

taeyong, donghyuck, and jeno were sitting on the black leather couch, all facing towards their father's assistant.

"do we have to go?" taeyong said for the millionth time, the assistant, who was named park jinyoung, sighed and nodded. "yes, your father ordered you three to come." taeyong groans and rolls his eyes. "jinyoung—" "mr.park." taeyong scoffs and mutters, "mr.park." before continuing his sentence. "please, mr.park i have studies to do, and my partner won't be happy if i don't do them."

jinyoung just shrugs, "i'll have someone do your work, you don't want to miss your brother's wedding don't you." taeyong rolls his eyes at the word brother.

he turns to donghyuck and jeno who were sitting uncomfortably. "do you want to go?" the two just shrugged, but taeyong knew they really didn't. they never met their eldest brother, since they were separated when jeno was born.

"jinyou— i mean mr.park, please?" jinyoung sighs for the last and shakes his head. "i can't disobey your father's orders."

"fine, but things start to go crazy, i swear to god i'll fucking kill someone with my bare hands." jinyoung snorted and nods, "sure, do what you want. but don't leave." taeyong got the message and nods, waving jinyoung off.

jinyoung went to the door and bowed to the three makes before exiting.

the three boys heaved out a loud sigh, donghyuck and jeno were exhausted by just listening to taeyong and jinyoung. taeyong was tired of just being there.

"do you remember his name?" taeyong says. "who?" jeno asks, confused if he was talking about jinyoung or his eldest hyung.

"your oldest sibling."

"you?" donghyuck says, chuckling after. taeyong chuckles, "right, but mom will kill you if she heard you." donghyuck nods and look up at the ceiling.

"isn't it jaejoong?" jeno says, cocking his head to the side. taeyong nods.

"yeah that bastard."

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