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"w-what?" ten stutters again. taeyong turns off his phone and puts it in his pocket. "i just thought you would boast about yourself. you looked like you had a lot of confidence, i guess not." taeyong smirks and gets closer to ten.

"i do have confidence.. i'm just tired today." ten sighs, not noticing how taeyong gets closer to him. (should i make them kiss right now lmao?)

"follow me. i know a room where we can just talk," taeyong grabbed ten's hand, "without these annoying people. and maybe i can introduce you to my other friends." "okay.." ten whispers and lets taeyong lead him to a dim hallway.

"whats up fuckers." taeyong says as he barges into the room. a few people stop talking and look up at taeyong and ten. ten softly laughs, but quickly puts an end to it.

"nice, you have a boyfriend?" teased one of taeyong's friends. ten immediately blushes and yanks his hand away from taeyong. taeyong frowns at the sudden lost of warmth, "shut up johnny."

"this tall asshole is named seo youngho. but he likes to be called johnny." taeyong points at a tall male with black hair and his arm was around a smaller male, probably the same height as ten, with red hair. "and the guy next to him is moon taeil, he's the oldest here."

"this one right here," taeyong pats a slim male with black and blue hair," is kim doyoung. sometimes he'a a bitch, so watch out." doyoung glares at him and slaps his arm. "this is jung yoonoh, or jaehyun, either name is alright. and this qian kun, he's the one who's done with everything and everyone."

ten shook hands with everybody and gave them small smiles. "if you choose to hang out with these people, you might regret it." kun says and pats his shoulder. "i'm going to get some water, see ya idiots." he waved and went out the door.

"he's chinese?" ten asks taeyong. taeyong nods and wraps his arm around ten's shoulder. "yep, he's not the only chinese in this group though." ten nods and plays with his fingers.

everyone had to leave except for taeyong and ten.

both were left in the silent room, bracing each other's presence. "you know.." taeyong mumbles as he has his head on ten's lap. "hm?" ten hums and plays with taeyong's light brown locks. "you are beautiful." "what?" ten giggles and softly pats taeyong's cheek. "you know what i said." taeyong gets up and a smile starts to form.

i actually really like this book, so here's another update. is taeyong going to reveal his love for ten 👀💕?

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