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the said males stared intensely into each other's eyes. taeyong frowns and kicks jaehyun, jaehyun does the exact same thing except with a little bit more force.

"dude go away."

"no you go away." jaehyun says and nudges taeyong away.

"i'm getting that fucking chocolate cake for ten so move!" taeyong whisper-yelled, his eyes turning into slits. "well i'm getting this for doyoung, he's been on a diet and he deserves this!" jaehyun whispered back.

a few students look at the bickering males awkwardly.

"move, i'm taking that piece of cake." someone says behind them. taeyong looks over his shoulder and examines the tall male with gray hair. he pushes through taeyong and jaehyun and reaches for the cake, he takes it and heads towards where ten and doyoung are sitting. "what the fuck-" both males said and ran over to the table.

"oh taeyong," ten says sweetly, taeyong lightly blushes and sits next to ten, taking off his black leather jacket. "that's my roommate, kim jungwoo." ten says and points at the male who stole taeyong's and jaehyun's cake.

"he stole the cake that i was gonna give to you." taeyong sadly mumbles. ten looks at taeyong curiously, "hm?" "nothing." taeyong said quickly and gave jungwoo a quick glare, which jungwoo thankfully didn't catch as he was eating the chocolate cake happily.

  "babe please don't be angry? i'm really sorry." jaehyun pleaded, he was practically on his knees right now, trying to apologize. doyoung ignored him and washed the dishes angrily.

  a few minutes ago...

  "jung jaehyun!" doyoung screamed in the living room. jaehyun dropped his gun and ran towards to his boyfriend. "w-what happened?" jaehyun said, staring at the angry (beauty) male in front of him with his hands on his hips. doyoung quickly picked up the baby off the ground and cradled him, quickly taking away the gun that the baby has been gnawing on.

  no, doyoung isn't one of those teen moms. he was just taking care of his older brother's baby while he was away for a business trip.

  doyoung holds up the gun and inspects it. he looked at the side of the gun and there it labels, 'j.yo/jh' "why is this here?" doyoung sweetly says with a smile. doyoung batted his eyes and patiently waited for an answer, but really inside he was cursing the fuck outta jaehyun.

  jaehyun nervously smiles back in return and grabs the gun out of doyoung's hands.

  "u-uh.. um..i-i.." jaehyun tried to speak but he just couldn't. the soft sweet bunny wasn't there anymore, now it seems like doyoung can spawn satan just by snapping his fingers.

  "i left it.. down here on accident okay? i'm sorry babe.." jaehyun says and sets down the gun, he slowly walks towards with his arms open.

  doyoung didn't budge when jaehyun wrapped his arms around him and jihwan (the baby). just a few seconds later jaehyun was curled up on the ground, his hands clutching his crotch. jaehyun's cries amused doyoung, doyoung squished jihwan's cheeks and smiled. "this is what you do if you tries to attack hwanie~"

random : i want jaedo smut lol what
this is a fluff chapter uwu (totally.)

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