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heyyyyyyyyyyy. 🌚
for everyone who likes/loves this book :
i love you guys uwu

 🌚for everyone who likes/loves this book :💖💘💘💖💝💘💞💖💕💞💕💓💘💞💝💝💗💖💖💕💓💞💘💝💝💓💖💞💘💝💞💞💘💕💕💓💓💖💗💝💞💞💝💘💕💖💕💗💘💞💘💕💕💖💓💘💓💗💕💖💓💕💗💓💘💘💞💞💓💕💖💖💝💗💖💘💝💗💕💓💘💘💕💗💗   i love you guys uwu

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50 questions? why the hell not :)

(chapter 21 will be released soon, probably late at night depending on where you live)

1. name
my korean name is yeona, my american name is brianna and my vietnamese name is thao. :) yay.

2. height
5'3, pretty short for an 18 year old i guess?

3. weight
i don't know ksjsks

4. age
18 :( turning 19 soon

5. birthday
january 2, 2000

6. girl bff
hm, i don't really have bffs? but my best friend's name is ko yoon ki

7. guy bff
oh jae hyun. (we used to date too)

8. crush
i have one, not telling his name though

9. ever fell in love

10. favorite food
egg rolls or rice

11. last text

12. longest relationship
3 years

13. battery percentage

14. eye color

15. addiction
kpop :,)

16. favorite song
giriboy - used
but apart from kpop it's either
5sos - youngblood  or  blackbear - anxiety

17. favorite animal
otters and cats

18. favorite song
it says favorite song again oof

19. sing in the shower

20. one wish
to meet my bias group (nct) and give them all my love uwu

21. best time in your life
probably when i fell in love or went to smtown osaka

22. country you live in
usa, ughHhH. moving to korea pretty soon though

23. pets
i have a dog named caramel, she adorable but annoying

24. plan on getting married
never. (idk honestly)

25. favorite subject
nothing, i hate everything

26. first kiss
in 1st grade

27. insecure

28. ever self harmed
yes actually :(

29. who you love
anyone who's reading this, my crush, family, and friends

30. miss anyone
my cousins

31. hair color

32. relationship status

33. last song you heard
glabingo - as feel

34. biggest fear

35. believe in ghosts
kind of

36. something you hate
salads, sorry but if you pay me millions or billions of dollars, i'll never eat salads.

37. favorite tv show
i don't have one, but my friend wants me to watch sierra burgess (?) is a loser and riverdale

38. favorite movie
i don't have one

39. favorite book
nothing, aGAIN

40. favorite food
again? okay. korean barbecue or sushi

41. jealous of
i'm jealous of people who look great in glasses

42. star sign

43. middle name
it's ha.

44. worst habit
probably biting my nails

45. number of siblings
1 and i hate my brother

46. name of sibling(s)

47. sports you play
i don't do sports anymore, but i used to do track and swimming

48. best friend ever
yoon ki :)

49. embarrassing moment
when i passed out at school :/ it was embarrassing because i was just walking and talking with my friends then i fell down. my friends thought i tripped, but i didn't get up so the nurse had to come and stuff.

50. future career choice
i just want to drop out of college if my parents let me
but i'm majoring in visual arts
kind of wanted to major in performing arts/dance, but i'm way too lazy to be a dancer

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