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"hey yuta- shit!" johnny suddenly falls over something, he stumbles and falls on his ass. "johnny? what happened?" yuta asks, shining his flashlight at johnny. "what the..." yuta says with shock.

"found something?" the officer that was with them, mingyu, asks. he walks behind yuta, looking at the thing he was pointing his flashlight at.

"johnny, call jaehyun and doyoung. that's a fucking body," yuta lowly says, motioning johnny to come. johnny quickly stood up and ran towards yuta, grabbing his phone out and calling  jaehyun.

  jaehyun answers tiredly, "hello?" "jaehyun, i think we found a body," johnny says. he stares at the motionless small body that was on the floor. "is it taeyong?!" jaehyun says, wide awake now that he said body.

"n-no, it looks like some little kid..."

  "he's barely breathing," mingyu says, standing up from his kneeling position. "we need to take him to the hospital, it looks like he fractured a couple of bones." yuta nods and gives mingyu the flashlight, "i'll carry him." mingyu nods.

  yuta carefully carries the little boy, he sighs in relief once the kid makes a small noise and squirm. "p-please.. help..." the boy says in broken korean. he looks up at yuta with barely opened eyes. yuta felt a pang in his heart, "we need to hurry. tell jaehyun and doyoung to come to the hospital."

  johnny nods and mumbles it to jaehyun.


  "do you know his name?" doyoung asks, running his fingers through the boy's brown locks. yuta shrugs, "nope." doyoung frowns. "poor boy, what did he do to deserve this? he even has a cute face."

  "do you think his parents abandoned him in the woods?" johnny asks. "maybe," yuta sighs, "there's barely any houses around there, i don't think this kid is stupid enough to travel at least two miles and get lost in the woods."

suddenly, the kid's eyes flew open (that sounded wrong for some reason??) he opened his mouth and started rapidly talking in chinese. "fuck," yuta groans. he massages his temples and grabs his phone to call sicheng.

"what?" sicheng grumpily says. "this kid is speaking chinese, we don't know what the hell he is saying. please come," yuta pleads. sicheng sighs, "fine."

yuta puts his phone back in his pocket once sicheng hangs up. "he's coming."

"finally you're here," yuta says, getting up from his chair to hug sicheng. sicheng crinkles his nose, "you disturbed my sleep, let me talk to this boy." yuta pouts, but nods and sits sicheng down on his chair.

sicheng and the boy started to talk in their own language.

after what seem like hours, sicheng finally spoke to his sleepy friends.

"his name?" doyoung asks. "it's jin hai," sicheng answers. doyoung nods. "can he speak korean?" johnny asks, stepping closer to the boy who just looked at him up and down.

"of course he can, you guys didn't even try to talk to him?" sicheng scoffs.

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