|Chapter 1|•√

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'I have rights people!!' I yell out to the cops, drunk out of my mind

A cop walks up to me with a sigh, you can call someone to bail you out in the morning he deadpans

I roll my eyes, you're incredibly crazy you know? it is morning!! I point to the clock across the small cell saying 3am a smile creeping on my lips, my eyes probably lighting up with mischief, a look I've had in my eyes since I was a child

He rolls his eyes, 'at a reasonable hour Sophia' his small lips rolled into his mouth and his hand on the revolver by his side

I chuckle, 'come on Chuck I did nothing wrong and you know it, I pout at the huge bald police officer

Okay let's see, you're drunk, you hi-jacked a car, thankfully the person decided not to press charges against you, you punch an officer in the face and not only that you decided kicking him in his groin was also a great idea, this is what the 12th time in this cell in the past 5 months that all the police officers literally expect you every Friday and one more crime and its jail time for you, oh what else? you've stolen-"

Hey hey hey the last one is just a big lie I laugh, I just decided to sneak a little drink out of the supermarket I eye him smitten by his British accent

Without paying Sophia don't forget without paying he narrows his eyes at me

I sigh heavily and pout time to bring in the big guns, come on Chuck I just lost my parents 5 months ago and don't forget my sister died of cancer that same day and my stupid twin brothers decided that getting into a gang and getting killed that same week is superb, my eyes sting with tears as the words pour out of my mouth

He shook his head that card would have worked 4 months ago but not now, alcohol is not the answer, you're a 22 year old woman and you should deal with it, find a job you're lucky you still have that boyfriend of yours that does not only care for you and love you-" he pause with a heavy sigh like he's tired of seeing me locked up every time, you should be happy he still comes to your rescue each time he ends the sentence shaking his head

I roll my eyes, tears hanging in them, 'I know, I know,' just call him he will be here in no time, I slump back to my seat,knowing my record its impossible to get a job I grumble

Chuck nods, you put this on yourself am going to call him now

I nod watching him leave I rub my forehead trying to get rid of my headache, why I was drunk?
you now know the reason!!

Am weak and I know it, but its not easy to loose all the people you love in just a week, poof like they were never there, but he is right, i am lucky, I have John my boyfriend we have been together for 8 months now and he has been with me through thick and thin, given me food and shelter because I have no place to go to.

I decide to rest and I lie down on the small bed eyeing the metal toilet with disgust knowing this won't be the last time I mess up


I wake up with my head pounding and a cop opening my cell I look up and smile, 'hey Emily, how's the family?'

She just shook her head with a little smile, your boyfriend is here

I nod, and look to the time to see its 6am I walk past the other cells sticking my tongue out to a guy that has been there for 2 weeks now he glares at me, I know so childish.

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