|Chapter 2|•√

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Sophia POV

I make my way downstairs dragging my loan purple bag with me, I greet the security guard with a smile, my heart beating loudly in my chest, hoping he decides not to search me, he rolls his eyes turning around to stare at a group of hot women walking out of an elevator

I roll my eyes' hailing a taxi and let me tell you this, its harder than it looks, I find one and give him the address of my parents old house, am pretty sure nobody lives there yet, at least since the last time I visited I can just break in, uhm eh-" not break in just stay for a while with the key in my hair further known as a hair pin.


If I can hijack a car I can open a simple door.

Soon we reach the house, its situated in a lovely place , not to shabby if I do say so myself
                   its a three bedroom flat with a kitchen and living room and one toilet. My sister and I shared one room and my brothers the other then my parents the last.

I moved out not so long ago after I graduated from college last year, I'm actually a business major I know hard to believe, why can't I just get a job?

But no it's definitely not as easy as it sounds, I tried my best, really, then my sister died and I just lost myself along the way with all the deaths, then I became this lazy alcoholic that loves trouble.

I sigh John was right leaving me, the 30 year old already had enough on his shoulders, taking care of me was just an extra burden, a burden he did not deserve

I walk myself to the door after paying the cab with my last cash, I get to the door and realise one thing, I don't have a pin in my hair

Shit!!! I curse out loud, I look around hoping no one will see me.

I jiggle the door handle but it does not open, I step off the porch and go around the house hoping the keys my sister and I used to hide in the backyard years ago is still there, am also hoping the door knobs where not changed.

I reach the small backyard looking around I check the flower pot under the hanging swing, I dig through the dirt and find the key at the bottom, its slightly rusted but I don't care am internally praying it works.

I look around hoping no one is watching I slip the key in the hole and smile when it enters smoothly.

I turn it and thankfully the door opens, am almost jumping in happiness but I stop and drag my bag I n, entering through the kitchen, the cabinets and the small dinning table is covered with dust making me give out a sneeze, I quickly pass through to the living room, everything is covered with white sheets like some it's some memorial, I climb the creaky stairs and find my old bedroom.

My bedroom is also covered with sheets like its a crime scene, I open the windows letting air into the room I try turning on the celling fan but find out electricity is out, I sigh am hoping at least water should be running or am done for, I head to the toilet across the hall leaving my bedroom and guess what the water is out nothing, 'nada, how am I going to live like this?

I grab the buckets in the toilet and head outside to the backyard I look over the short wooden fence and smirk when I find the small tap, maybe I have turned into a criminal I laugh silently to myself

I walk carefully to the brown picket fence with a small door connecting the two backyards, 4 buckets joined together in my hand, I know I can just ask, but our neighbours have always been really selfish.

I open the door quietly praying to the big guy up there that no one is home, but am pretty sure they are not around since they were no cars parked outside.

I walk to the tap putting the bucket under I switch it on and clean water pours out, I chuckle its my lucky day. I fill up the 4 buckets and start heading to my house 2 in hand, I walk carefully so I dont spill the water, when I reach my back porch I start filling up the large drum my mom kept for saving water I open it up and pour in the water, bucket by bucket I do it till the drum is filled and my four buckets are filled in the bathroom.

I smile to myself maybe I can make this work. I start removing all the sheets from my bedroom first thing first, cleaning.

I grab a wet rag, a broom and a mop and get to it.
It takes approximately 4 hours to finish my room the living room and kitchen but am happy with what I have done this is the most work I've done in months, and plus I don't need to enter either my parents room or my brothers room so no need for cleaning.

My stomach growls loudly informing me that I am yet to eat, I smile to myself while heading to the cupboard where I stored the food I collected from john, mind you not stole but collected.

I cook up a dry spaghetti that tastes like crap, am hungry anyway but I finish it up drinking water along the way. When am done I grab the bottle of vodka I snatched from John
Its not like he will be needing it anyway.

I sit on the now clean couch raising the bottle to my lips when I hear my phone ding like I would call the crap a phone, its those types of phones with only buttons and the only thing you can do is text and make phone calls yea I don't even remember who I stole it from, sorry collected it from, ' I groan at that.

I see there are three messages from John my eyes light up maybe he has realized what he's missing and wants to take me back, I bit my lip and open the message.

Babe: where the hell are my food stuff you thief!!

Babe: you fucker, when I get my hands on you

Babe: I hope you die and rot in hell you bitch!!!!😤😤

Or maybe not, wow it was just food, what is he getting all worked up about and really die and rot in hell, and there's seriously no reason to call me a thief I just collected, my brows raise in surprise.

I roll my eyes dumping my phone looking outside, my battery is low so its gonna die anytime soon, I groan looking at the celling, i am so fucked.

I continue drinking till I eventually black out.

Sophia is clearly a crazy girl


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