|chapter 40|

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Sophia POV

I groan feeling a weight crushing me, I open my eyes staring down at Alex head on my stomach hands gripping me like am his life line, my lips slips into a small smile, maybe I am.

I yawn stretching my hands above my head, the sheets covering our naked body I weave my hand through his brown hair, the sun reflecting from the window bounces on his skin as he groans hugging me tighter, I laugh slightly closing my eyes, taking in the moment

Finally shut the high and mighty Sophia up uh? what did you do to get off the hook for all those crimes, opened up your legs!!!

The words resonate in my ears and my eyes pop right back open, oh my God what did I do?

I immediately detach myself from him standing up I grab the closest thing  which is his shirt quickly throwing it on I back away slowly watching him stir, I can't believe I did this, he literally called me a whore just some weeks ago and here I am doing it all over again, I wipe a stray tear my lips wobbling, afraid I will burst into tears again, he groans turning towards me, wincing slightly at the sun.

Hey why did you jump out of the bed? He speaks groggily running his hand through his hair revealing his rich bright brown orbs staring back at me in confusion

I'm such a fool I whisper

What? He frowns moving to get out of the bed he pulls on his boxers, what are you talking about soph? he questions walking towards me.

Do not touch me I almost yell moving backwards.

Soph? What's wrong? He frowns moving closer.

I said stay away!! I yell my feet's implanted into the floor as my eyes fill with tears, God when did I turn to such a cry baby?

Sophia you have to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it? He frowns trying to move closer but I push him back.

You want to know what's wrong? I stare up at him, what's wrong is you!! I yell, you being right!! I am a whore!! I scream out.

I mean look at me I jumped in bed with you again as soon as you apologized,I'm back to being the naive woman that I am, the one that could easily-" I'm stopped when he pulls me into his chest in a tight hug I did not even realise he had come that close

Shhhhhhh he's hands weave through my hair and down my back, am sorry I  said those words to you at the party, am at the wrong I know that, it was immature and stupid of me to say that especially when I knew it would only hurt you, am sorry soph

Let me go I smack his chest as my tears slip out, wet against my cheek,  I try to pull back but he holds me closer smearing the salty tears on his bare chest.

Am so sorry soph he pulls away staring down at me he's hands move to my cheek wiping away the tears, am sorry I said it, if I could take it back I would.

Well you can't i say, you have no idea what your words did to me, how they affected me, how they still affect me, how they hunt me I gulp, Alex I grab a hold of his arm, shaking my head I turn towards he's eyes, Eric I breath out, your words remind me of a past I don't want to remember, it brings back forgotten memories, things I tried to stay away from, your words brought them back.

He walks closer bringing me back to his chest, if there is anything I can do to help, I will he stares down at me placing a peck at the top of my forehead, and its Alex for you, I love it when you call me that.

Leave I whisper

What? He frowns

Leave I detach myself from him, I need time to take this all in, think about this, think about my future Eric I continue with the name knowing he does not like it

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