|chapter 21|

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Sophia POV

I wake up with a large smile on my face, why because of last night, although I'm pretty tired because I kept tossing and turning in my sleep because of a certain man.

I rub my eyes and look to the clock its 6:00 I groan cause am too used to waking up early.

I trudge slowly to my bathroom taking a long bath.

I'm blow drying my hair when I hear a knock on the door, I furrow my brows, it isn't alex is it? He said he was going to come by 10 or 11 right?

I quickly wear my blue jeans and dark blue sweater top its short sleeved so I grab a jacket. I walk with my barefoot to the door and look through the peep hole and I see alex well not really alex

Like alex covered head to toe, he's talking on the phone and seems to be angry so I quietly open the door and his eyes move to me

Hey-" I gulp

The side of his lips perks up, staring at me, hey

Come in, I mumble

He nods, ending his call before stepping inside the house.

Are you ready, he removes his dark glasses and the hood of his hoddie

What's the time?

7am I told you I was going to come by 7am he looks at me with a smile

Oh, I never registered it

Why? He looks amused

I roll my eyes don't let your head get too big I turn around and grab my white sneakers, I threw the old pair out since it started shredding and had hole's in many places

He laughs, at least I know the kiss affected not just me but you also he says behind me

I gulp and my heart stops, uh what makes you think it affected me I finally find my voice standing straight and turning to him, big mistake.

Oh it did he mumbles too close to me, just one inch and we would be kissing again, I gulp Lex

Hmmm he moves closer like he's teasing me his breath on my lips

Can you?

What? His hands move to my waist cupping them gently

Nothing, I gulp and my hormones take over when I crash my lips with his, he seems surprised that I made the first move, but he quickly recovers and makes his move.

Unlike yesterday this kiss is urgent and fast and passionate, I wrap my legs around his waist when I hear a knock on my door.

God, today is Sunday are people not supposed to be sleeping in or be in church or something

I hear alex laugh, which means I spoke out loud

You might want to get that he places a kiss on my lips again.

I nod and take a deep breath before he drops me on my feet, the sound of the door still vibrating around the room.

I roll my eyes coming!!! Shesh

Lex laughs before walking in the direction of my bedroom, maybe to use the toilet or something.

I arrange my hair from alex running his hand through it too many times, I just hope my lips dont't look like I just had an intense make out

I open the door to see Simon and Lara standing there, I lean on the door, good morning

You're dressed up Lara squints at me

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