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Sophia POV

Theodore please come out, you are going to make mommy late, don't you want the giant cookies aunty Rosie promised you? I call out to my 6 year old, a year after the whole falling down the stairs fiasco Eric proposed, he proposed many more times before that but I always said 'no' waiting for the right moment, as soon as i said yes we got married the following year and a  year later we had our bundle of joy Theodore now six years later and am happier than ever.

I had to quit my job at Rosie's after his birth since I waned to focus solely on him, sometimes I go in and I do some work but that stopped as soon as I fell pregnant again with our second child, seven months in and again I can't wait for her to come out, after discussing with Alex we have decided to name her after his mother since we know the gender

I got him a voice calls from the stairs Alex coming down with Theodore wrapped in his arms, laughing

Mummy!! He yells, daddy found me!!

I laugh of course he did, you're both so alike, I stare at his face, dark hair and hazel eyes, exact look alike of his father but completely has my sweet tooth

Where did you find him? I raise a brow at Alex as he drops him on the floor on his feet placing a kiss at the top of my head

He shrugs, turns out we have more secret rooms than we imagined

I shake my head, we moved to a new home as soon as I gave birth to Theo, a wedding gift from his grandmother, an old castle it seems, it was renovated but sometimes secret routes show up and Theo takes advantage of it all the time

Going for the new opening of Rosie's? He ask folding the sleeves of his shirt

Where else? I wiggle my brows

Don't be so sarcastic or else, if it was biologically possible I will put another bun in the oven he laughs

I push his shoulder, stop saying that when Theo is here

Oh he doesn't understand he leans forward placing a kiss on my lips, his hand caressing my huge stomach

Later I bit his lip looking down for Theo but find him gone and the door wide open

That little rascal I say shaking my head

I'll call lester he laughs as I move towards the door in my flats and a green velvet flare dress reaching past my knees and my hair flowing down my back, you will be there right? I turn around

He nods, I just have to finish some work and I'll come right over, save a cupcake for me don't let Simon finish everything

I smile nodding heading for the car where Timothy is waiting, I spot Lester walking towards us from the side of the house Theo in his hands

Thank you Lester, Theo is a very stubborn boy I pinch his cheek

He giggles as he fix him in his car seat

It's no problem, ready to go? Lester turns to me

I nod settling in the car, soon enough we reach Rosie's, after a few years Rosie and Johnny decided to renovate the whole building and got a new place and now a new Rosie stands high and tall, the doors are open and paparazzi cover most of the doors but Lester and the rest of the guards help us through

After the marriage it was hard to get used to the press butting into my life, and even Theo's life, when he was born it became even worse, being Eric's wife people expected a lot from me and it was hard at first but I got used to the rules the do's and don't, but being Alex wife is different, in the confinement of our home, he's the best things that could ever happen to me, and sometimes I can't believe I almost gave him up

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