|chapter 29|

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Sophia POV

I turn around in the sheets hoping to cuddle up to Alex but the bed is empty, his part of the bed is cold meaning he's been out for a long time.

I stand up aware it's Sunday morning now, I smile remembering the events of last night, pulling on Alex's t shirt which reaches the middle of my thighs I put my hair in bun climbing down the stairs.

I find Alex in the kitchen smiling to himself as he tries to operate the coffee machine.

I smile walking into the kitchen, no breakfast for the Queen?

He looks up at me with a smile grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to his shirtless body, good morning he mumbles pulling me to his body

I hug him tight before letting go staring at his arms, they have some scratch marks and his back is no different, told you I left marks.

He smirks watching me as I watch his new marks.

What? I mumble my cheeks covering in red, I let go of him grabbing an Apple.

You're a real screamer he smirks placing a kiss on one of the many Hickeys covering my neck

I roll my eyes, idiot I go ahead to wash my apple taking a bite.

I love you, he says grabbing a hold of my waist from behind.

Oh I know, you told me that a million times last night.

We could have a reoccurrence of last night he sucks on my skin

Am keen on having sex all day but were leaving later this evening right and I really want to ride those horses

I know another thing you can ride he winks.

Oh God Alex have you always been like this I laugh wiggling my brows at him.

What? Conceited, you want me to prove it again? He wiggles his brows.

I laugh, you proved enough last night and you can be conceited with me all you want, you deserve it for now.

He laughs, come on go take a bath or we'll never leave this place.

Come join me I say wiggling my fingers at him walking backwards.

Oh come on Sophia not helping he laughs grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder walking up the stairs.


Bye I giggle placing a kiss on his lips as we stand in the darkness

Bye he says but still holding me close to his body.

You're gonna let me go anytime soon? I giggle staring up at him

I don't want to he groans

Then don't I mumble placing another kiss on his lips

He pouts I have work in Spain for the rest of the week

Don't do that I pinch his lips, or I'll kidnap you and keep you for myself

He laughs, his laughter echoing in the empty space around us.

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