|chapter 16|

16 6 1

Sophia POV

I say goodbye to Simon who is coming out of his kidnapping truck, he stares wide eyed at us before whistling so you're the reason those two guys are waiting by the gate, I'll wait too if I were them he says to us

We both laugh striking a pose for him before we walk to the gates, where the two men in particular are waiting.

I push Lara forward making both men mouths drop, since they can see a peek of the dress, since she decided not to tie up her coat where as I closed mine up completely.

I study Andrea who is dressed in a blue t shirt and black leather jacket and ripped jeans and his black vans, his hair is scattered in a out of bed kind of look

River is dressed as river, in a red button down and black slacks along with a black coat on top with his blonde hair swiped back with hair gel

Okay people I scream lead the way I laugh making them move their eyes to me

You girls clean up good Andrea says still staring at Lara

Oh you have no idea I chuckle making Lara blush

So which way I ask again.

We are using my car river says, the club belongs to a friend of mine, so we don't have to wait in line

I smile, oooh how impressive right now I just want to drink my heart out,its been a long long while so where is your car?

He points to a black car in the darkness that lights up.

We all walk to the car across the street, he moves to the driver side Andrea following him. Lara and I stay at the back, by the interior design of the car, I know its expensive, like how much does this guy make.

We finally reach the club after the 30 minutes drive of course there's a long line outside of the double doors with the name NOVA at the top shinning with blue and pink lights and two large bouncers at the door, I finally remove my coat when we reach the bouncers

River just nods to the one on the right and we are allowed to enter, I can already hear the loud music from the dark corridor I grab Lara's hand

When we enter the large club, river leads us up the stairs made of glass, we find a booth and we sit a waiter comes to us

Andrea orders a glass of whiskey and so does river

I smile at the waiter, two glasses of scotch please without ice I shout over the loud music

He turns to Lara and she bits her lips, just a glass of cocktail

What type mam?

She looks at me and I smile, sex on the beach I say making Lara blush

He nods and leaves

We all wait in awkward silence when I decide to break the silence, so do you 3 know how to dance I shout over the music

Andrea shook his head nope


Nope I don't dance

Lara please tell me you can move your body?

She chuckles nope

I snort, today you learn how to dance from the master, I was in a dance team in high school

Let me guess you were a cheerleader too Andrea says

I laugh, and you guessed that how?

He shrugs his shoulders you seem like it

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