chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Prince Eric POV

I settle in my seat two weeks, "I've been giving her space," time to think, time to miss each other, time will do us some good I think
        I rub my head downing another glass of alcohol,  I don't think I can ever get her out of my head, it's never going to happen, I think over her words two weeks ago, Lester has been giving me updates she returned to work yesterday, the test came back negative that faithful night, it doesn't matter thou, if it came out positive or negative I'm stuck to her, she's my life I literally live and breath for her, she needs to understand that and am giving her time to heal, before I go back to her.

I think over her words, if she's worried about my title am already on my way on solving that, I don't think people call her things behind her back thou, maybe a few people who still think I can't fall in love with a normal girl but from the best of my knowledge people who meet her love her,  that's one thing I don't understand she said Amalia told her that, she has always been bitter about our relationship ending I don't get why she would say that or what she was even doing at the party I wince shaking my head, am probably too drunk to think about this but the thought of Sophia hearing those words and getting hurt gets me incredibly angry.

Eric? A soft voice calls from the door

Elena I frown go away I sigh staring at her form by the door, I turn back to the closed curtains, happy to be contained in the dark room

She sighs stepping forward, you locked yourself up for days come on we should go out, there's a walkabout today-"

No Elena go ahead I frown, wait I stop her as she turns around, why did you invite Amelia to your debut? I frown am not oblivious to the fact you invited all my exes to make Sophia uncomfortable but Amelia? You hated her so why? I stand up from the arm chair facing her

She freezes panting slightly looking like one guilty princess

Elena I growl out

She gulps cause she was the only one willing to do what I asked her to do she gulps taking a step back from my angry stare I say the words in a deadly whisper taking a step with each word

I..I... She strutters, I told her to corner Sophia and tell her things she rubs her arms looking down at the floor guilt drawn on her face

Things like what? I close my eyes gripping the bottle in my hands tightly

Am sorry Eric this was all my fault she starts to cry, I told her to tell her that people hated her and that people thought she was a gold digger I knew she was trying to please everyone, she's a people pleaser I thought that would set her off to let you go, am so sorry Eric, it's my fault I lost my niece or nephew!! Am sorry I've been feeling guilty since that night am so sorry she cries

I throw the bottle on the floor with a smash screaming; do you have any idea what you did? "She thinks lowly of herself",she feels bad enough about taking gifts from me and you go behind my back and do this? What is wrong with you Elena!! I yell I told you to stop, try to know her!! She's a sweetheart but you don't care about me do you?

No no am sorry; I thought I was doing the right thing!! Am sorry, I care about you I thought she was just using you but i see my mistake now

I shook my head, well you're a little too late I yell!! I hear a door slam open James walking inside

What happened? He narrows his eyes at my angry form and her crying form

She happened!! Princess Elena happened!! I yell bitterly

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