Chapter 1

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Kitaya took a deep breath, the scent of burning herbs stinging her nostrils. Light from the two standing torches flanking the table made the shadows dance. The battle field was at a standstill, the remainder of her troops awaiting her next move. This was it. No more games. This wasn't child's play. This was all out war.

Kitaya bit down on her thumbnail and examined the board for the umpteenth time. Her soldiers, in the form of figurines, were alight with the soft blue glow coming from beneath it. She shifted her eyes to the two wooden cards in her hand. One depicted a group of archers loosing arrows into the sky. The other two golems holding massive shields in front of them. One of them or both, would lead her to victory. Or so she hoped.

What can I do? No doubt Aldeheid would have some trick up his sleeve. He was probably thinking ten moves ahead of her at this point, damn him.

Half her front line was gone, and her golems were on their last legs. Meanwhile, both his dragons were halfway healthy and he still had another dragon siege. She looked down at the cards in her hand. She still had another Golem defense, and an arrow volley, but she'd need to roll at least a ten to use them both.

I'm dead.

Kitaya looked up to see Aldeheid staring at her, with brows drawn tight. The orange light from the torches danced in the depths of his eyes, making him look like an avenging angel. "What?"

"Well." He looked away, his face reddening, as it always did, for no apparent reason. "You've been staring at the board for some time, and... I was wondering if you plan on making a move. I mean, there's no rush," he added when she scowled.

"Was it not you who told me that I should think carefully about every move I make? That I should be planning turns ahead of my opponent?" She arched a brow.

"Indeed, I did say that, kitten."

She folded her arms across her chest. "And do I rush you through your turns?"

"Well I don't take as much—" He coughed. "I mean, no, you don't, kitten."

"Then if it would please his Majesty, I'd like to have my turn in peace." She hissed out the last word, her nostrils flaring with agitation.

He held his hand up in a gesture of surrender.

"That's what I thought." Kitaya went back to examining the board, studying the position of every figure, the outcome of every possible move she could make. And she didn't see herself winning. Perhaps she could bluff somehow, get him to play less aggressively and chip away at his defenses.

It was worth a shot.

She rolled the twenty-sided die, sweat beading on her skin as it twisted and twirled before landing on a four. It took everything within her not to swear out loud. That was only enough for an arrow volley. It would have to do.

She took four ether stones, popped them into the slots in the back of the card and played it in the board's offensive slot. Her archers came to life, nocking arrows of light in their bows before firing them into the air. They traveled in an elegant arc and rained over Aldeheid's troops. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to take any of them out.

"I win," Aldeheid said. "You have no means of defending yourself and I have both a Dragon Siege and a Calvary Rush." He brandished the cards in question, smiling sheepishly. "But I'll roll, just in case." He picked up the die and tossed it.

Kitaya held her breath, watching it tumble across the board before landing on a twelve. Which meant he could use both his cards and destroy what was left of her troops. Her hands curled into fists, and her blood heated to a simmer. Damn him.

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