Chapter 6

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The smell of ash was still ripe in the air. And with it came the memories of masked faces and white fire. Toppled trees and broken branches littered the mountainside clearing, and small clouds of ashes puffed up from the ground with every step.

Aldeheid picked through the wreckage to the pillar that marked it as a thin space. Its markings were smudged with black soot, but by the humming emanating from it, he knew the wards were still intact.

Lady Hiroh crouched by a pile of ash and sifted through it with her fingers. "This is giving me horrible flashbacks. When Leandyr and I had to chase a group of them from the thin space near the Opal Isles, they left behind a similar scene." She exhaled a sigh and dusted her hands off. "One step forward, two steps back."

"Fukami might know something about them," Jayer said. He brushed some debris away to examine some symbols on a fallen tree. "He's agreed to come to the summit."

Aldeheid distracted himself by examining his sword so he wouldn't have to listen to Jayer prattle on. There was nothing of value that could come out of that snake's mouth. He traced his fingers along the pommel sticking his thumb into the lion's empty eye socket.

For the first time in a while he wondered where Mellidius was or what he was up to. Aldeheid had resolved to look for his mentor when he'd been kicked out of his old home at the Etheria Bastion. But after joining Kitaya and her colleagues, he'd lost sight of that goal. Perhaps it wasn't too late...

"We should get on," Kitaya said, cutting into his thoughts. "Aldeheid and I will go through first. If the way is clear, we'll toss a stone through.

Everyone nodded their ascent, and Aldeheid was more than happy to get away from Jayer, even if it was just for a moment.

Passing through the thin space was like walking underwater. For a moment when he stood on the threshold that separated earth from Magika, his movements seemed to slow. An unseen forced tugged at him, as though holding him back and a weight settled in his chest, making breathing a chore.

The most jarring part was emerging on the other side. Gone was the thick humidity of the jungle, only to be replaced by a cool breeze. Lush greenery surrounded him -- grass that came up to his waist along with trees that seemed to stretch up forever. He craned his neck and caught sight of a bird as it dove into the leaves, sending a shower of them fluttering to the ground.

"Watch my back, angel eyes." Kitaya pushed through the grass and climbed up one of the trees.

Aldeheid dropped his bag, drew his sword and scanned the area. It was so quiet, with only the rustle of the grass dancing in the wind cutting through the silence. The ocean of greenery seemed to stretch on forever, over rises and through stands of trees, touching every edge of the horizon.

He wouldn't be surprised if there were predators lurking in the grass, ready to pounce and devour him whole. The thought made his hand drift toward his pouch of ether stones.

Kitaya dropped down from the treetops, making him jump. "Throw a stone through, angel eyes."

When he did as she said, the others materialized through the thin space. Aldeheid tucked his sword into its sheath and shouldered his bag.

Kitaya led the way as they waded through the sea of grass. "It's good to be in familiar territory. You'll love Kon, angel eyes."

Aldeheid smiled and fell into step with her. "I heard everyone does."

They'd had this trip planned for months now, and it served a dual purpose. First, their bonding ceremony, which made his stomach sink a little every time he thought about it. Then there was to be a summit, with several nations sending representatives to discuss matters concerning the thin spaces.

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