Chapter 12

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Kon, 1,000 years ago...

"Thank the gods," Ade said, as the creature's footfalls disappeared into the rain. "One of these days, you're going to get us both killed."

Kitaya rose and stretched. "But not today my friend." Just as she plucked her clothes from the ground, two figures came down the incline one man one woman. They were dress in the black gold and red of the castle guard, and bore capes on their shoulders.

It wasn't until they were a few feet away that Kitaya recognized them as Jafari and Isolde, and prepared herself for what was sure to be a vicious tongue lashing.

"Lady Kita—" Jafari, captain of the Castle Guard, stopped short and gave her his back. "Why do you not have on clothes?!" The rough guttural sound of his voice grated on Kitaya's ears.

"I went for a swim." She shrugged, and shook out her skirt before jumping into it.

"In the river? In this weather? Have you no sense of self-preservation? And you, Ade. I ought to strangle you, boy." He leered over his shoulder at the person in question. "You should know better than to indulge her in her nonsense."

Ade held his hands up as though he expected Jafari to follow through with the threat. "Sorry uncle."

Kitaya cringed at the use of that human term. She pulled on her sopping wet shirt, frowning at the dirt and grass stains that may never come out.

"Relax Jafari," Isolde said. "You know once Kitaya get some crazy idea no one can stop her. Thanks for not letting her kill herself, Ade. And Kitaya, Eriani has been looking for you for the last three hours. There's a carriage waiting in the breach."

What for? Kitaya wondered. She hadn't spoken to the Queen since the day of the accident. Perhaps Eriani would finally let her see Kemah, or maybe it was something silly, like getting prim and pretty for some guest they were having for dinner. Either way, it was best not to keep her altori waiting for too long.

They rushed up the incline and into the breach where their ride was waiting. While Isolde and Jafari ran to an underpass, Ade and Kitaya hopped into the carriage. Wool blankets were on the plump gold seats and Kitaya wasted no time throwing one around herself.

The ride through the city was a quiet one, with both of them staring out their respective windows. As they neared the heart of the nation, the statues of Kon's past rulers came into view. Kitaya's eyes locked onto Zalika, Kon's third ruler and the woman who was hailed as being the ender of the millennia war. Tall and proud she stood, gazing into the sunset, into tomorrow. In her right hand was a stone likeness of the Behemoth.

To think that some time in the near future, the very people who wanted Kon destroyed would be able to gaze upon Zalika's likeness. It was sickening to say the least. She'd probably be screeching and cursing from beyond the grave.

Kitaya smiled as an idea came to her mind. A way to show the Ravinians that they and those of their ilk were not welcomed in Kon. And it started with the Behemoth.

Moments later they pulled into the main courtyard of the castle. The cobblestone was littered with puddles and the tiered fountain was overflowing with water. Dark clouds stretched over the savanna, touching every inch of the horizon. Which meant the rain wasn't going to let up any time soon.

Ade and Kitaya ran from the carriage into the main vestibule. The castle had quieted down for the day, no more scholars, ambassadors or disgruntled citizens clogged the main vestibule – only the usual guards and attendants.

"Staying for dinner?" Kitaya asked as she rung her braids out. She an Ade had already left a sizeable puddle on the floor.

"Sure, the food here is better anyway."

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