Chapter 27

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Kon, 1,000 years ago...

Kitaya stood still as calm water as Ade fastened the ties on her armour. Today was the day. Kon's day. A day that would be written in the annals of Konian history for eras to come. Today she would fight to preserve the integrity of her Nation. And as such, she needed to be dressed for the occasion.

While her dusty surroundings were less than ideal and more than suffocating, she'd bear it for the sake of convenience. They'd commandeered the back room of Rehema's shop to get ready for the protest. The piles of storage crates and empty barrels that doubled as tables for their stuff, faded into the background as she thought of the day ahead. Their scouts had spotted procession of Ravinians at the eastern border earlier that morning, and Eriani was already in place at the south gates to meet them.

The protest would launch at the provincial gardens, just outside the farms, and stretch all the way to the castle. Thousands would gather – unless she'd been lied to. In which case, she'd make an embarrassment of herself. Again.

"Is it too tight?" Ade asked, stepping back to appraise his work. Only he and Rehema occupied the room with her, with the latter standing near the shop's back door.

Kitaya exhaled and lowered her arms, a pang of pain shooting through her shoulder. The armour sat comfortably on her body, and she guessed the perfect fit was thanks to Ade's meticulous fitting schedules. She'd had three in total. "No, it's fine."

She turned towards the mirror, and her breath caught in her throat. Reflected in the glass was not her, but the Warrior Queen, the Bearer of the Behemoth, the third ruler. Zalika. The only thing missing was the Lion's Crown, but Eriani wasn't going to let her borrow the symbol of the sovereign's power.

Rehema nodded, appraising the ensemble. "That'squite uncanny, my lady. You look just like our beloved third ruler."

She couldn't disagree. Ade had replicated Zalika's battle armour perfectly. From the stylized lion's head carved into the arm guards to the metal skirt that dragged behind her. But dear gods how did she fight in this? Kitaya felt as though she was wearing another person.

She turned in the mirror and adjusted her braids.They were done up in the style that Zalika preferred with all the jewels, clips, baubles and beads. She had to be mindful not turn her head to quickly, lest she give herself a concussion.

"How did you get it done so quickly?" Rehema asked Ade.

"I had some help from the other smiths at the academy. The rookies were excited to have a hand for it. Nothing garners more respect than smithing for the royal family." He leaned against the wall, tucking his hands behind his head. "And Kitaya, I put an orb with a teleportation spell in your breastplate. Break it, and you'll be outside the gardens as quick as that." He snapped his fingers.

"Understood" Kitaya took her gauntlet from atop a box and slid it on. "Krudi." The Behemoth came to her hand with a metallic clang. "We should get going." She led the way out the back door of the shop and into the rear alleys of the marketplace. All was quiet, more so than usual.

By this time, vendors would be openingup their shops, prettying up their displays and sweeping their doorsteps, but there was little activity when Kitaya peeped through the side allies. Footfalls in her wake were the only indication that Rehema and Ade followed behind her.

Her eyes were ahead, on her destination, her strides long and oozing with purpose. She held the Behemoth slanted behind her back – the way Zalika did when she walked the streets of Kon. In short order, the Provincial Gardens came into view.

The miles wide space was home to Kon's nature enthusiasts – who kept its diverse flora and fauna thriving. Kitaya saw them flitting through the trees in their bright yellow robes, stings of flowers adorning their heads.

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