Chapter 35

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Aldeheid opened his eyes and groaned. He'd hoped that the last two days had been a morbid, vivid dream. He'd had enough of them that the idea would be so farfetched. But no, here he was, in this cell, a prisoner of the Vidaldi and their red-clad leader.

After his meeting with Tafari and brief encounter with Mellidius, they'd dragged him back to his cell, where a meal was waiting for him. A silver bowl with scraps of meat more fit for a dog than a person. And the Vidaldi refused to leave until her ate it.

The taste had a sour tang to it, and later, when his head was swinging and his limbs to heavy to lift, he realized it was some sort of poison. Or perhaps some kind of concoction meant to keep him immobile so he wouldn't escape.

But it only made him want to get out of this place even more. To train with Leandyr, play Tactica with Lady Hiroh. But mostly to see Kitaya again. He didn't realize how accustomed he'd grown to her presence until he was thrown into this cell alone.

Yes, seeing her again would be his motivation for getting out of this place. And once he did, he'd pick her up and hold her. She'd probably beat him over the head. "Put me down angel eyes," she'd say, with fiery dark eyes meant to scare him.

The thought made him smile, but that smile faded away when the door to his cell opened. Two Vidaldi walked in, one holding a length of chain and the other a studded collar. Aldeheid's fingers curled at the sight of it, but he didn't fight as they put them on.

Under normal circumstances he would find this predicament humiliating, but nothing could penetrate the haze of anger surrounding him. He wouldn't only get out of here, he'd take out every single Vidaldi in this place too.

As his escorts pulled him through the confusing maze of windowless halls, he searched for something – anything – that looked remotely like an exit. But it seemed the confusing layout of this place was purposeful. Like Castle Kon.

They stopped in front of a metal door, and this time the Vidaldi barged in without knocking. They yanked him into the room and he stumbled forward, nearly falling face-first onto the wooden floor.

The Vidaldi lined the perimeter of the room like statues, feet together and hands tucked behind their back. How they could wear such stuffy, baggy clothing and not die of heat sickness was beyond him.

"Oh, my, you're a scruffy-looking dog today." Tafari lounged in a chaise lounge at the head of the room. Dressed in a skirt and midriff revealing shirt. Beside her, Mellidius slouched in a throne-like chair. A lone Vidaldi sat on her haunches beside him.

Aldeheid recognized her form-fitting clothing and the vertical stripes on her mask. She'd singled him out during the siege at the Konian border. She must have escaped the wrath of the stone legion. He couldn't see her eyes behind her mask, but he felt her gaze on him. So, this was his replacement.

His escorts unhooked the chain from his neck and took several steps back. Aldeheid braced himself

"Weapon please," Tafari said, and a long sword landed at his feet. "Time to see what you can do, dog. I need to find a proper use for you."

"Wait," Mellidius said from the head of the room. He looked down at the Vidaldi beside him and said something in their language. She nodded and rose from her spot, pulling a sickle from her belt.

Aldeheid scooped the blade from the ground and tested the weight and balance. A little more top heavy than her was used to but it'll have to do. He met the empty mask holes of his opponent and poised the blade in front of him.

She'd bested him once, but this time was different. There were no spells exploding overhead, no shouts, no screams, no panic. His hands didn't shake and his mind wasn't all over the place. He could beat her, he would beat her.

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