Chapter 8

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Home. It had been a long time since Kitaya had been back in the savanna. Too long. She wondered what things had changed in her absence. Would her people be angry with her? She was the bearer of one of Kon's greatest treasures, yet she'd kept it off of its home soil for so long. Would everyone welcome her with warmth and opened arms? Or cold stares and indifference?

Of course some things never changed. The lush swaying grass, flowing rivers that cut through the rolling planes and stands of monolithic trees were just as she remembered. The air was crisp and cool like a drink of water after a long day in the desert.

The sun was setting behind their little travelling party, making the shadows stretch long. They were about to cross into an area frequented by predators, so Kitaya's senses were on high alert. She was hoping an old friend of hers would be able to help them get the rest of the way to Kon safely.

Aldeheid walked along beside her with half his focus on the way ahead and the other half on trying to leech magic from her. Being able to use a capes magic without bonding was truly something. T'was a feat she thought only possible through the use of magical tools. Yet Aldeheid held this unique ability.

How and why – she didn't know, and at times she felt unqualified to help him. Perhaps he was different in the way that she was different. Perhaps there were other magicians like him. But until they found said magicians, they had to rely on wit and intuition to get him in top shape.

He was afraid, Kitaya knew. Afraid of hurting her or others, like he had done to so many before. But those fears could only be mitigated through knowledge and understanding. Once he understood how his abilities worked, he'd understand how to control them.

"I think I got it," Aldeheid said and opened his fist to show her a handful of ether stones. The tiny pebbles of pure magic glowed with every colour imaginable.

"You did." Kitaya nodded her approval. "But that magic didn't come from me."

"T'was I," Leandyr said from behind them.

Aldeheid exhaled a sigh and pocketed the ether stones. When he raised his fist to try again, Kitaya placed a hand over it.

"You're frustrated right now. Take a break."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he nodded. "How much longer until we get to Kon?"

"If we can find a friend of mine to help us out, it'll only be another day. Otherwise we might run into some trouble that will set us back by a day at the very least. The predators that lurk in this area tend to be quite aggressive." She glanced around at the grass, her heart skipping a beat every time it shifted with the movement of a small insect.

"I see." Aldeheid thumbed the lion's head pommel of his sword.

"Why don't we try a little exercise?" Leandyr asked. He caught up to them and started walking backwards in front of them. In his marked hand, he held a single leaf which he place between his fore and middle fingers. "I want you to cut the tip off of this leaf."

Kitaya arched a brow. There was barely any leaf sticking up above his fingers. Then again, she never claimed to understand Leandyr methods. And she didn't need to, the end result of his training spoke for itself. So she inched away to give them the space they needed.

"Are you sure about this?" Aldeheid asked as he drew his sword. The white flecks in the midnight blue surface of the blade grabbed hold of the diminishing sunlight and tossed it around.

"Come on." Leandyr nodded to his hand. "While we still have the light of day."

Aldeheid took a swing, but the Swordmaster moved his hand down at the last second. "Why did you move?" He swung again, and again Leandyr pulled his hand away.

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