Chapter 15

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Kon, 1.000 years ago...

A summer sun hung high in the sky, its hot rays leering at the stone circle and stands that made up the Konian arena. Only the most prestigious of challenges were fought there, under the gaze of Kon's past rulers. They stood as tall as the castle, overlooking the circle and stands like stone guardians. Swarms of eager people filed into the benches – men and women, young and old, bonded and unbonded. Their murmurs of excitement made the air buzz.

Kitaya leaned out the prep room's window and watched the attendants give the combat circle a final sweeping for any stray dust or debris. Today was the day when she'd set her future into motion. The day when she'd challenge Mellidius for the right to bear one of Kon's most sacred treasures.

He was in the other prep room, on the other side of the arena. Probably plotting her demise. Thinking of the best, most efficient way to take her down.

She'd been practicing with Kemah day in and day out ever since issuing the challenge, yet she didn't feel ready. He'd taught her just about everything her could, but it didn't feel like enough. Mellidius was eight hundred years her senior, and he'd trained with the Shujaa. And Eriani. And he'd probably been training twice as hard since she'd challenged him.

Mellidius was known for being an overachiever, and excelling at everything he put his hands to. The citizens often referred to him as Kon's future King. Which meant there was more at stake for him.

Kitaya was the prodigal charge of Kon' Royal house. The most outspoken and the least diplomatic. The people didn't love her any less. They simply had different expectations of her. One of those wasn't sitting on the throne once Eriani's rule came to and end.

Kitaya turned away from the window to pace to the other side of the room. The prep room was minimally furnished with a single chair and table. A picture of water, beaded with condensation sat atop it, along with a single glass and napkins.

She rung her hands, sat down in the chair, got back up, poured a glass of water, but didn't drink it. No amount of water would calm her frazzled nerves. What she needed was assurance that this wasn't a big mistake. That she wasn't about to become the biggest joke in Kon.

A knock on the door cut into her thoughts, and Ade stepped in a moment later. In one hand he carried what she assumed was her new spear wrapped up in bright red fabric. "Sorry, I was trying to get here sooner but got swallowed by the crowd."

"It's fine, Ade." She nodded at the bundle of cloth. "Is that it?"

"Indeed." He unfolded the fabric as though he was revealing a long lost artifact. The cloth fell away, revealing a spear. Whatever mix of enchanted metals he'd used had resulted in a bright, silvery hue, shot through with red marbling. They spear tip was polished to a high shine that could double as a mirror, and the shaft was covered in intricately braided hide accented with red string.

Kitaya took it and turned it over in her hands. It had bit more heft than her training spear, but felt balanced nonetheless.

"Do you like it?" Ade asked.

"Are you serious? Ade, this is incredible." She flipped the spear around to admire the pseudo pommel on the other end. It was a piece of silvery metal fashioned in the shape of the symbol for strength. "You've really outdone yourself. Thank you."

"It was no trouble at all. Are you ready? Are you nervous?" He gazed out the window at the crowd.

"A little. There's... a lot of people out there." To embarrass herself in front of.

He clapped her on the shoulder. "You've got this. I'll be out there cheering you on. But should hurry and grab a seat or I may end up standing." With that, he turned and left the prep room, nearly bumping into Kemah on the way out.

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