Chapter 24

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Kon, 1,000 years ago...

Kitaya stretched her arms up and stood of her toes, nearly touching the roof of the prep room. It had been ten days since her last challenge, and in that time she'd been training with the Shujaa. With their help, she understood more about Mellidius' fighting style.

She was better equipped now than she had been in any of her previous challenges. If this didn't end with victory, then there was no hope of ever beating Mellidius.

In four days' time, the Ravinians would be in Kon, and there would be a protest of ten thousand citizens. Ade had told her that was a very conservative estimate based on what he'd gleaned from his research.

She'd been working with Rehema and the other shop owner in the marketplace to organize everything. There hadn't been a protest in Kon since the eighth ruler tried to raise taxes on imported goods.

A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts, and Ade stepped in with her spear in hand. "It's getting crowded out there." He tossed the weapon to her. "I fixed the areas of the braiding that got damaged in the last fight."

Kitaya twirled it around herself a few times, being mindful of the table and pitchers of water. The grip didn't slip in her grasp and the weave felt firm but not abrasive. "Thanks Ade. How's the armour coming along? Do you need me to fit it again?"

"I should have it ready by tomorrow. IfAderro doesn't have me running around. He's planning something for theRavinian's visit too." He leaned against the wall by the door and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Did he say exactly what he has planned? Is it another protest?" She'd been adamant about having a united front. Conflicting protests would just make things messy. "I don't want any violence, Ade. I assure you the Queen will waste no time throwing us to the Lyberra if things take a turn for the worse."

"I'm sure it's not like that. It's probably something formal he's working on with the other council members. He's had me conferring with them outside of their usual meetings."

Kitaya grimaced, unable to shake the unease that hunched her shoulders. She'd set out strict guidelines for their protest. There would be no violence, no rioting, no destruction. She neededEriani to take her seriously.

The door clicked and in walked Kemah carrying her white robe, which meant it was time to get out there. To fightMellidius tooth and nail for the right to wield on of Kon's greatest treasures.

"Thanks." Kitaya shrugged it on and pulled the hood over her head, not missing the look of surprise Kemah shot her. She hadn't spoken a word to him since the aftermath of her first fight withMellidius, not even during their daily meals.

He nodded and ducked out of the room.

"I should head out there too," Ade said. "I asked Rehema to save me a seat but that mob out there might kill her for it. Best of luck." He gave her a wave as he disappeared out the door.

Kitaya took a moment to collect her thoughts. To focus. To breathe. To shut out everything that didn't concern defeating Mellidius and claiming the Behemoth. Today was her moment.

As she stepped outside an invigorating tingle ran up the soles of her feet as though the arena itself granted her strength. The savanna sun beat down hot and harsh, making the air above the fighting circle waver.

There was no song and dance, no pomp and pageantry, no opening statements. Everyone knew why they were there, and what they about to witness. The Behemoth lay at the Queen's feet, Kemah stood by her side. Not an empty seat or even a place to stand was left in the arena. Faces from far and wide clogged the stands, their eagerness making the air vibrate.

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