Chapter 16

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Aldeheid awoke to a stream of sunlight warming his face. His head was swimming, like someone had reduced his brain to liquid, ad he was struggling to remember the events that had brought him to this point. The last thing he remembered was going somewhere with Kitaya. He was clean, so he must have at least had a bath. But he was on the floor, with sheets tangled around him and pillows scattered about.

He rolled over and rubbed his face, brows scrunching at the bandages on his dominant hand. A dull throb radiated through his skull, and stars spotted his vision. Wit slow, careful movements, he got his feet under him and rose, swaying to one side when his head spun. Dear gods. He hadn't felt this horrid since he'd had one drink too many after a training session with Leandyr.

"Good morning."

Aldeheid startled, and would've fallen over if his bedpost wasn't behind him. He looked over at the small seating arrangement on the other side of the room.

Kemah was lounging on the settee, a cup of tea in one hand and a sheet of parchment in the other. Before him a platter of meats, jams and bread sat on the small table, along with a steaming teapot and extra cups.

"Come, have some breakfast," he said.

Aldeheid pressed a hand over his racing heart. One of these days, these people were going to kill him. "How did you get in my room and why are you here?"

"The door was wide open, and I'm here to talk." He nodded to the food. "You should eat. It will make you feel better."

Aldeheid looked towards the door that was indeed opened as far as possible. Strange, he'd made it a habit to lock all the doors and windows before settling in for the night. But he didn't even remember settling in for the night. It was a dark spot eclipsing his memory and blocking its view.

He conceded to Kemah's request and took the single chair and poured himself a cup of tea. The herbal smell alone was enough to relax him. His stomach growled at the sight of the food, and he tried to remember if he'd eaten anything before passing out.

Kemah set aside the parchment and topped off his cup of tea. "Allow me to apologize for what happened with Nylarah yesterday. I promise you she means well, but not everyone is equipped to handle her methods."

Aldeheid's body went cold as it all came crashing down on him like a frigid wave. The endless staircase, the meditation chamber, being in his own head, the memories, the mocking. It was all flashing before his eyes. His tumble down the steps had broken his fingers, and Kitaya had given Nylarah a vicious tongue lashing.

The crash of breaking glass rang through his head and his feet suddenly felt warm.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have brought it up," Kemah said with a frown.

Aldeheid looked down at the broken glass lying in the pool of tea at his feet. "My apologies." He lifted a foot, the warm liquid rolling down his heel and dripping into the puddle.

"Don't worry about it." Kemah poured a fresh cup and handed it to him. The pity in his eyes stung, and Aldeheid had to look away. "Seems as though you had a rough time."

He took a sip of the tea to stall. The burning on his tongue chased away the thoughts that threatened to resurface. "I'd rather not speak of it."

"I understand. How's your head? Sometimes Nylarah's mind tricks can have residual effects."

"It hurts a little, but I believe I'm okay. You're telling me she played tricks on my mind?"

Kemah frowned. "Perhaps 'tricks' was the wrong word to use. She facilitates the deep meditation, but she can't put anything into your mind that wasn't already there. I'll ask kindly, and with no expectation of agreement, that you do not hold this against her. She's... quite upset with herself, and Kitaya is angry enough for the both of you."

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