Chapter 29

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That idiot.

Kitaya cursed the darkness. Without Aldeheid she had no eyes or ears, left to float in nothingness and stew in her emotions. The inky abyss was all she'd seen since Aldeheid had sent her away with the spirit. To think he'd used the entamora on her. Yet, she couldn't be angry about it. No other emotions could break the cloud of worry hanging in her mind.

What happened to you, angel eyes?

If those masked freaks had killed him, she'd never forgive herself. Or him. That idiot. What gave him the right to save her? She was the one who was supposed to save him. How dare he? She was the cape and he was the magician. He needed to know his place. The very next time she saw him, she was going knock those pretty eyes out of his skull.

If she saw him again.

Fear washed over her like a cold downpour. She had to figure out a way to get back. How long hadshe been stuck in the dark? Hours? Days? There was no way that she, herself, could break the entamora, but—

A ripple of warmth cut through her consciousness. The darkness surrounding her shattered like glass, and she squinted at the light that peaked through the shards. A dark figure appeared in her line of sight, and it took a few blinks for Kemah's features to come into to focus. Standing above him was Lady Hiroh with Aldeheid's sword in her hands.

Worry etched lines between his brows and on the sides of his mouth. "Kitaya? Can you hear me?"

Her eyes darted around the room, at the large square windows, thrown open to allow the light and wind in to the table weighed down with food and drink. Eriani sat at one side, nibbling on a pastry. "W-where am I?"

"You're back at the castle." He offered her a hand. "Here, let me—"

Kitaya's stomach plummeted to her toes. "That thing brought me all the way here?!" She tried to push to her feet, but her shaking limbs betrayed her, and she fell face-first onto the tile.

"Easy." Kemah pulled her to sitting position. "Give your body a moment to adjust."

"I don't have time for that!" She batted his hand away. "I have to get back out there!"

"Kitaya, just calm down and tell us what happened," Lady Hiroh said.

"Those masked freaks attacked us Aldeheid used the entamora and sent me away with that thing." Kitaya looked around, not seeing the sprit anywhere. Good, she may have stomped on its pretty little wings. She got up on wobbling legs and stumbled towards the table before pointing an accusing finger at Eriani. "You... you taught him invocation."

The Queen dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, her face impassive. "Your point?"

If Kitaya wasn't so weak and a little less restrained, she would've flown over the table and attacked her altori. "Why would you do that? You hate him!"

"It was to protect you. Which it seems he did. So, perhaps he isn't as stupid as I thought." Eriani took a sip of tea, her expression nonplussed.

"Were it any other member of the royal house, you would've had the Shujaa tearing down the backlands by now. But since it's Aldeheid, you couldn't give a damn."

She gave a dainty wave of dismissal, her rings winking in the sunlight. "You're being dramatic as always Kitaya. Aldeheid will be fine."

"I'm going back out there." Kitaya spun on her heel and teetered forward before slamming into Kemah's chest.

He caught her by the arm and steadied her. "Rest a moment. You can barely stand."

"Rest?! He could be dead out there." Kitaya flung her hands towards the windows, nearly throwing herself off balance again. "If you all don't want to help me fine, but don't you dare try to hold me hostage here."

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