Chapter 19

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Aldeheid looked up as yet another guest approached their table. This one a guard clad in black red and gold of the castle's watch. He recognized the man from his first day in Kon, but a name was not coming to him.

"Is something the matter, Jafari," Kitaya asked, adding another box to the city of gifts that was growing around them.

He gave a small bow before replying: "My lady, her highness wishes to see Aldeheid in her office."

"Fine." She set her glass of wine down. "Tell her we'll be there in a moment."

"Actually, she asked for Aldeheid alone." Jafari cut his eyes to Aldeheid. "I think it best we don't keep her waiting."

"Go on, angel eyes," Kitaya said, making a shooing motion with her hands. "I'll take care of things here until you return."

Aldeheid had been hoping she'd make up an excuse for him to stay. Enduring the wrath of the Konian Queen wasn't something he'd prepared himself for on the day of his bonding ceremony. Nevertheless, he rose from the table and followed Jafari away from the festivities and into the empty corridors. As they walked he contemplated what Eriani want with him... and only him.

It definitely wasn't to congratulate him. Maybe to kill him? He wouldn't put it past her, and this was her domain. Which meant she had some form of royal immunity.

They appeared before the high doors and the guard nodded for him to go in.

Aldeheid sucked in a breath and squared his shoulders. He refused to stay intimidated by her. She was magician just like him, Queen or not. And he'd rubbed shoulders with royalty long before even meeting Kitaya. He hadn't been unsettled then, he wouldn't be now.

He opened the door and poked his head in.

Eriani was seated behind her desk poring over something spread on its surface. She raised her head and gave him a look that made him want to run for the hills.

"You... asked for me, your Majesty?" He made no move to step into the office. It felt as though he'd be stepping into a den of lions.

She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. "Sit."

Aldeheid looked back out into the hall, as though hoping for something or someone to rescue him. Jafari's back disappeared around a corner, leaving him on his own.

"Sit!" Eriani snapped.

"Yes ma'am." He stepped into the office and took the chair she'd offered. The hairs on the back on his neck stood on edge, and he refused to meet her gaze. Instead he looked at the various knick-knacks decorating her desk – a clay jar the colour of coal, a small statue of a Lyberra with its wings outstretched, quill, ink and blank sheets of parchment.

"I don't know what Kitaya sees in you. But it must be something incredible." She slid a sheet of parchment in front of him, along with quill and ink. "Now that you are Kitaya's magician, That means you are both a citizen of this nation and a member of my Royal House, with all rights and privileges embodied." She tapped the edge of the paper with a gold-painted nail. "Sign."

Aldeheid dipped the quill in the ink and scrawled his name at the bottom. He could've just signed his soul away for all he knew, but he wanted to expedite this process and get out of the Queen's overbearing presence.

"We Konians are proud people. I expect you to govern yourself accordingly. The moment I catch wind of you embarrassing this nation or its people, I will have you banished into the backlands. Is that clear?" Every word she spoke slammed into him with the force of a hammer.

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