Chapter 13

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Aldeheid leaned on the window sill and took in the fresh breeze blowing by. It weaved and threaded through his hair like gentle willowy hands, reminding him that he needed to cut it. Below him, in the east garden, Leandyr and Siegfried were going at each other for the umpteenth time. The sounds of their swords clashing rang out into the morning air, and surely woke anyone who was still asleep.

He wanted nothing more than to see Leandyr beat up that brute. The bitterness from their short-lived encounter the previous day was still on his tongue, but he could rest assured that the Swordmaster would avenge him.

The two couldn't be more different. Siegfried was a hard hitter, who wore down his opponents with brutal, unrelenting attacks. But Leandyr was something else entirely – elegant, light on his feet and stylish – a true master of the blade. Every swing of his sword was a work of art, worthy of being framed and hung. It was a level of mastery Aldeheid could only dream of achieving.

A knock on his room door pulled his attention from the fight. He turned just as Kitaya poked her head in. She'd sent a message with an attendant earlier, telling him to get ready.

"Those two are still sparring?" She stepped inside, grimacing at the mess he'd already made of his room. Ether stones and crumpled paper littered the floor from where he'd been practicing. The sheer canopy on his bed was twisted to one side, his bedding was crumpled and his clothes were thrown over the box.

Aldeheid's face burned as Kitaya's eyes scrutinized each misplaced, disorderly thing, her frown deepening. He felt like a child who'd been caught trying to steal cookies. "Where to today?"

Her eyes flicked toward him as she brushed an ether stone aside with her shoe. "Remember I told you I'd find someone who could help you? Well, that's where we're headed."

"N-now...?" Apprehension gripped and dragged him into an involuntary backpedal. He wasn't mentally prepared to speak to anyone about his mountain of problems. Or even try to climb over. If anything he wanted to pretend it didn't exist, even though it towered over him. Even while he stood in its shadow.

"It'll be fine angel eyes, I promise." Kitaya's voice was laced with sincerity, and he had no reason not to trust her. And she was only doing it because she was worried about him. It was etched in her brow every time he came down to breakfast looking ragged and miserable, every time he startled when she tried to talk to him. He owed it to her to at least try, just this once.

"Alright, lead the way," Aldeheid said, hoping and praying that he wouldn't regret those words later. Together they traversed the vast corridors of Castle Kon once more, making their way to the east garden.

Leandyr and Siegfried were taking a break, sitting on the terrace and chugging down glasses of water. Lady Hiroh had the sand pit for herself, and she was whipping and twirling around like a leaf on the breeze, slashing at invisible enemies.

"Warrior maiden, come spar with us," Siegfried called.

Kitaya gave him a dismissive wave. "Not now, Siegfried, I'm busy."

Aldeheid inched closer to her to block her from his view, and resisted the urge to shoot a dirty look at the brute. That's right, she doesn't have time for you. As they ventured further down the winding past, he spotted Jayer and Jetei sitting on one of the many stone benches.

He took longer strides, pulling away from Kitaya and breezing past them like they were naught more than one of the fancy decorative pillars.

"Morning Jayer, Jetei," Kitaya said, he voice fading as he sped away. "I'll uh... sorry, I can't talk now."

Aldeheid heard her fast approaching footfalls as she ran to catch up with him.

"Why are you being so rude today?" She gave him a playful slap on the arm.

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