Chapter 12

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      It’s Saturday evening and I’ve been in bed all day. How could I even eat knowing what happened yesterday. I haven’t spoken to Louis since we left yesterday. He took me home, and I just went right to sleep. This is like a nightmare I can’t wake up from.

Liam is on his way to pick me up for the party. I don’t even want to go. Louis will be there. Ella will be there too. My entire body hurts from crying all night. What am I going to do?

I go to my closet and pull out a black shirt, black jeans and my boots. I slowly put them on and walk to the bathroom. I splash water on my face so I don’t look like complete shit. I put a bracelet around my wrists, to hide the healing cuts.

I hear my phone buzz, I’m sure it’s Liam telling me to come outside, he’s already picked up the others. Now I have to fake being happy for the rest of the night.

I run down stairs and start to walk out the door.

“I’ll be home later mom, love you.” I shout as I leave and close the door behind me.

I walk to the car and sit next to Tyler.

“Dude, you look awful, what the fuck were you doing last night?” He asks.

“Nothing, I was just working on school work and stuff.” I say, rubbing my eyes. “Just a bit tired is all.”

Tyler knows I’m lying.

“Yeah okay.” He says.

“Let’s just have a good time tonight.” Syd says to all of us.

“Yeah no starting shit.” Tyler adds.

They are both talking about Liam. He just wants to show Zayn that he is better than him.

“Yeah, okay, whatever you say. I’m just ready to have a good time.” Liam says.

“Hey, Harry, where were you yesterday? We waited for you but you never came to the car.” Syd turns around and asks me.

“I had some things to take care of.” I stutter.

I look at Tyler and he looks just as worried as I am.

I think they know something is up.

Tyler reads my mind and shakes his head. Maybe it’s best if I shut up now.

“Like what?” Liam asks.

“Just boing science stuff.” I say. “So Liam, I bet the girls are going to be all over you tonight.” I say, changing the subject.

“Yeah I don’t really care. I’m not looking for anyone anymore.” He says, glancing at Syd.

She turns toward the window and rolls her eyes.

“Good idea.” She says sarcastically.


      We arrive in front of a mansion. This must be Samantha’s house.

“Damn. This shit is crazy huge.” Tyler says as we walk towards the house

There are already tons of cars parked outside around the house, down the road and even on the grass. This is going to be big.

Samantha greets us at the door.

“Hey guys! So glad you could make it. There’s food and booze inside.” She says.

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