Chapter 11

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      “Great job Liam.”

“I knew you were going to win Liam!”

“Liam, call me sometime.”

I’m walking through campus, people congratulating me every turn I made. I’m glad I won, but there is only one person I want to talk to right now, only one person I want to celebrate with. I can’t find her.

Last class let out, so the school is flooded with people leaving school, or loitering the campus.

I need to find Syd. I just want to talk to Syd.

Tyler comes walking up to me with a troubled look on his face.

“Liam, have you seen Harry?” He asks, looking over my head and around the crowds of people.

“Not since lunch. Why? What’s up?” I say, still searching for Syd.

He gives me a troubled look. What’s going on with those two? I wish they would just tell me what’s happening so I can help. It really pisses me off how they can’t even come to their best friend for help.

“I just need to find him, for our, uh, project.” He says.

He lying. I know Tyler is lying when he rubs the back of his head and uses his inhaler.

He sucks in the air from his inhaler and starts walking away quickly.

“Where are you going?” I shout.

“I’ll uh, catch up with you later dude.” He says, disappearing into the crowd.

What the fuck is going on around here? I can’t even enjoy my victory.

I make my way to my car, hoping all three of my friends show up soon. I’m so confused.

I just want to see Syd. I want to see her smile when she walks up to me, I want her to wrap her arms around me and hug me for a long time.

I get in the car and turn on the radio.

An hour goes by before someone shows up.

It’s Syd.

“Hey! Congrats! I knew you would beat him!” She says sliding into the passenger seat.

“Oh thanks. I couldn’t do it without you and you know that” I say, trying to keep my face from turning red.

“Nah, you would have kicked his ass even if I didn’t help. You’re amazing Liam.” She says,

She leans over the middle of the car and hugs me. Her skin is so soft. If only she knew how much I loved her.

“So I’ve got news!” She says, breaking the moment.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“You know Mya Westland?” She says.

Her eyes are glowing, and she can’t stop smiling.

“Yeah, what about her?”

“Well, we were leaving class and I don’t know what came over me, but I asked her out.” She says, beaming.

I don’t know what to say, I know Syd is into girls and I’d never have a chance, but it still hurts. I don’t want to hear about her with anyone else. I just want to be the one that makes her happy.

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