Chapter 6

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      “I don’t know what I’m going to do for this competition.”

“What competition?” Frank says to me.

“Ugh! You know, the one where I have to compete for captain. I finally can knock Liam off his high horse.”

“Oh right, right. Well what is the criteria?”

“We are going to have a one on one game in 3 categories that doesn’t include lacrosse. Basketball, a mile run, and football.”

“I can help you with the basketball and track part. I have no clue how to play football.” He says with a smile.

“I know how to play all of them well, but I know Liam is just as good as I am, whether I’d like to admit it or not.”

“Then you just have to be better.” He says while putting his hand on my knee to try and comfort me.

I know I can beat Liam, but I know he’s going to put up a fight. I just want this position so badly. I want to prove I’m not second best. That arrogant jerk is going to learn he isn’t the greatest or the best.

“Come on, let’s go to the court and practice some drills.” Frank grabs my arm and lifts me up.

“Okay, but first, this.” I say as I grab his face and plant a kiss on his lips.

He grabs my waist and I lock my arms around his neck as our lips are moving in sync with each other’s. He runs his hand through my hair as I undo his belt. Our tongues still intertwined. He pulls off my shirt while shaking off what’s left of his pants. Then he starts for the button on my jeans. After what seems like hours of lip locking, we fall on to the couch in Frank’s living room, completely naked.

He grabs my neck aggressively and lays me on my back onto the couch. He hovers over me and briefly stops kissing me to give me a sort of evil look. It’s kind of sexy.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, out of breath from all the movement.

“Nothing, I’ve just been waiting for this all day.” He says as he leans in towards my lips again.

He grabs the hair on the back of my head as I wrap my legs around his waist. We are both sweating and the room is silent except for the sound of our labored breath. The street light shines in through a small crack in the blinds.

I grab onto his dick, which is hard and pulsing from everything that’s been going on, as I push him off of me and climb in between his legs. I slide his huge muscle into my mouth, slowly at first, as I move my head up and down. My lips fit nicely around it. It feels like hours that I’ve been doing this. I can hear him softly groan and moan as he has a tight grip on the couch cushions. I can feel him about to reach his peak, his body tenses up, I look up and his eyes are tightly shut.

Suddenly, he lifts me off of him and turns me around. He props me up on my hands and knees along the couch. I grab onto the side of the couch, bracing myself for what I am about to receive. I feel him put his hands on my ass. Now I feel his warm breath near my manhood. He slowly moves his tongue up and down my dick, very softly, making me harder and harder by the second. He gently grabs his own, preparing to slide it into me.

His hands grab onto the sides of the couch, as he slowly makes his way into me. He tightly grabs one cheek and smacks the other. I can hear him grunting. His speed increases and he gets rougher. My grip tightens on the couch. He bends over and his face ends up right next to mine as he whispers:

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” I say softly into his ear.

His strokes get softer but, they get faster. He’s about to reach his peak once again, but this time he’s not going to stop. His breathing gets harder and his strokes go deeper. My legs are shaking and my arms are going weak. I can feel him tensing up again.

He moans loudly as he thrusts his body into mine as deep as it could possibly go.

I can feel a burst of warmth fill up the lower half of my body.

After about six seconds, he goes from his frozen state inside of me, to collapsing atop of me. We both fall to the couch, heaving breathing and sweaty bodies. I turn over and kiss his forehead and we lie there for a while, our breathing in sync with one another’s. 

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