Chapter 17

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      “I’m sure my mom won’t mind if you stay here for a little bit. I can tell she really likes you. Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay.” I say to Louis as we walk up to my front door.

His mom really shocked me. I was not expecting her to act like that. She should love her son no matter what.

My mind is scrambled from the events that just took place.

What am I going to say to my mom? Will she let Louis stay?

I turn to him and he looks exhausted, and sad.

“I’m sorry.” I say to him, not that it will make a difference.

“Don’t be, this isn’t your fault.” He says.

“I know. It’s all going to be okay.”

“If you say so.” He says, looking at the ground.

We walk into my house but my mom isn’t here. She must be at the store.

At this point, I don’t want to leave my house ever again.

Louis walks up the stairs to my room and I follow behind.

He walks towards my bed and falls face first into the pillow. He starts to cry.

I can see his body shaking and his back start to sweat.

“How did this even happen?” He screams into the pillow.

I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to help. All I know is how he feels. I feel the same way.


There is nothing we can do but let people feel the way they feel.

“Lou, please be strong. I need you.” I say, trying not to cry.

“No! I’m sick and fucking tired of being strong. I’m always strong. I don’t want to anymore. I’m human as well and I have feelings. I can’t always keep my head held high and be strong for the both of us. I just can’t Harry.” He says.

“Okay, I understand.” I say, softly.

“No you don’t! Your mom loves you and cares about you and accepts you, mine doesn’t as you can see. She never has! She never gave a fuck about me! My dad left and all she can see in me is him. I look just like him, it makes her sick to even look at me. I just gave her the perfect reason to throw me out. You don’t get it Harry.” He sobs.

He’s right, I don’t get it. I never will get his life because I wasn’t raised like that.

I just want to be here for him when he needs me.

I sit down next to him and rub his back.

“I love you Lou, and even if everyone else in the world abandons you, I will be here always. You are my only ray of sunshine in this rather grey world. You can tell me one day that you don’t love me anymore and I will still love you with all my heart. Please don’t feel alone. You will never be alone again, even if I am a million miles away, you will always have me.” I say, tearing up.

He sits up, and looks at me. His cheeks are red and tears are streaming down his face.

I can’t help but smile a bit when I stare into his eyes. They are so beautiful.

“What are you staring at?” He asks.

“You are so perfect, everything about you. From the way your hair gets messy when you lay down, to your tiny little toes that start to wiggle when you get cold.” I say, smiling even harder.

He looks and me and rubs his face. He starts to smile.

“Nobody is perfect Harry.” He says.

“But you’re perfect to me.” I say, leaning in to hug him.

He falls into my arms and starts to cry again. I know he is just done with everything. So am I.

“We are going to be okay.” I say, running my fingers through his hair.

“As long as I have you, I will always be okay.” He says.

We lie down in my bed and we both start to cry. It seems like we have been doing more crying than laughing lately.

Okay so a lot of you guys were asking for another chapter ASAP. Lol. So i figured since it's going to take me a while to write the next chapter, I will leave you with this. I was planning on just doing Larry POV for a while, but I'm assuming you guys want to hear what the other characters are thinking. (; I'll see what I can do. I won't update for maybe like week or two bc the next chapter, I need it to be wonderful and amazing for my wonderful and amazing readers. Thank you so v v v much for almost 4k reads, almost 300 votes & almost 100 comments. Keep voting, keep reading, keep commenting! It makes me really happy. I love you guys more than anything! Enjoy <3


ps- did you find the song quote? Lol. 

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