Author's Note

510 18 14

        Hey babes. I just wanted to take the time out & say thank you for all the reads & all the votes & comments. You guys are the best. I never thought I'd have 3k reads or 200 votes omg. I'm really working hard on this for you guys and I want you guys to love every second of it. I really want opinions on it & you guys could tell me what you think would fit well, or what you don't like. That would help me alot tbh. Thank you for all the sweet things you say, that just encourages me to keep writing & spend every waking breath making this an amazing stroy for you guys. Sometimes it's sad to write bc I never want to see any of the boys get hurt, but sometimes thats what makes a good story. 

        Okay, so in my story, Louis is about 17 years old and Harry is 15, close to 16. So think of fetus Larry. Lol. Liam, Zayn, Syd and Niall are all Lou's age. Tyler is the same age as Harry and Frank is 18. Tyler, Frank, and Syd are all from Odd Future and you should really go see what they look like to get a better visual. All the characters in this story are characters I love alot. 

        I know you may think Ella is based off of Elanour but she's not. I just really love the name Ella and she just so happen to be Lou's ex. I never had any intentions of making Ella Elanour. So please don't think that. Lol.

        I never write my chapters in a couple days, it always takes me a long time to write all of them. I just upload them quick.  

        Idk, really I'm just talking in this section so you get a better understanding of my story and how I'm writing or whatever. If you leave comments, I'll answer every single one of them no matter what. I love hearing from you guys. I can't say that enough. Lol.

        I was thinking about making a page about my book to show what all the characters look like. Idk. Maybe. I'm still working on an original cover. Although the one I have fits perfectly, don't you think? bc of the tree and all. Lol. 

        Anyways, I would love to see what you guys have to say. Thank you so much for all the support & I'll continue to do my very best until the end. I love you guys so much <3 and if you follow me, I'll try to follow back. & same on instagram too! 

                                                                                                                                                                          Love, Robia (that's pronounced [Rah-Bee-Yuh])

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