Chapter 8: Be My Valentine

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AN: It's Mike and El's first Valentine's day! Enjoy :-) 


February 1985

Mike pedalled his bike slowly to the bike stand with Dustin and Lucas ready for another boring day of school, another day of counting down the hours until he could see El.

The only good thing about today was that it was valentine's day. And it was the only valentine's day that Mike had ever looked forward to.

He could even feel himself blushing as he thought about how he had explained the day to El a week ago, telling her that on valentine's day you gave a gift and a card to the person you love the most.

She had been thrilled but had worried about a gift whilst he assured her that it was mainly the guy who gave the girl a gift. El's face had lit up at the idea of receiving a gift, which made Mike immediately nervous that she wouldn't like his present for her.

"Hey guys," Will said happily as he made his way over to the trio having just been dropped off by Joyce.

"Hey Will," they all greeted in unison.

Dustin finished locking up his bike and then smirked at the other boys, "so are you all ready for me to beat you in the amount of valentine's cards I'm going to receive this year?"

Lucas snorted and Will and Mike grinned in response. Since the snow ball something that none of them expected to happen had become a reality. Dustin wasn't exactly popular but he had suddenly become popular with the girls, and that was all he cared about.

"I'm sure Mike doesn't care, as long as he gets one from El." Lucas teased earning a shove in the arm from Mike who glared at him.

"She didn't even know what valentine's day was last week Lucas, so I doubt she's been able to get me a card." He said self-consciously as he pulled his heavier than usual back pack on securely.

"Yeah and we all know you want one from Max Lucas, so no point in being an ass." Dustin prompted making the rest of the boys laugh.

"Did some one say my name?" Max's voice suddenly appeared making them all jump and look at her with guilty faces.

Lucas gave Dustin a warning look but that didn't stop him from grinning. "Oh we were just seeing how long it'd take Lucas to give you your valentine's card."

"Dustin!" Lucas exclaimed angrily through gritted teeth. Max looked at her boyfriend in surprise and a mischievous smile lit up her face.

"I thought I told you valentine's day is a commercial rip off stalker..." She crossed her arms and looked at him with a stern exterior, but they could all see the amusement in her eyes.

Mike turned his gaze onto Lucas who looked as if he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. "Er...I know you did...but I...I..." Clearly frustrated not being able to articulate himself, Lucas huffed in annoyance and opened his back pack.

He handed a box of chocolates and a sealed card to Max whilst Mike, Dustin and Will all looked on, feeling rather impressed at his forwardness.

Max cautiously took them from him, a smile she could no longer hide on her lips and a blush in her cheeks. "Thanks stalker..." she mumbled averting her eyes as she put the items in her bag.

"You're welcome" Lucas swallowed nervously.

Dustin snorted, "okay, okay that was awkward enough. We best get to home room."

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