Chapter 22: Confessions

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April 1986

El thanked Steve for the lift home from her swimming practice with Mike and then rushed into the house, feeling giddy, excited and still with a tinge of embarrassment.

Having Steve interrupting her make out session with Mike had definitely not been ideal but that make out session had been everything. El couldn't get rid of the plastered grin on her face as she thought about Mike's hands on her thighs, on her hips, on her breasts!

She practically skipped into the house in a bubble of happiness not even acknowledging her dad who gave a grumbled greeting from the couch. She entered her room with a buzz of excitement and jumped onto her bed and reached for the super com.

El focused on her bedroom door for a moment and it slowly swung shut. She turned her attention back onto the super com and took it off the station she used with Mike and fiddled until she found the radio she was after.

"Max? Max are you there? Do you copy?" El whispered impatiently into the super com. She had to repeat her words a few times before the sound of static was interrupted.

"Hey El! You okay? You don't usually call me over the radio." Max asked sounding sleepy.

El breathed a sigh of relief that her best friend had answered. "I know, it's just I can't use the phone. I can't have dad overhearing this." She said quietly, keeping her eyes on the bedroom door for a moment.

"Oh I am intrigued! Please, go on..." Max teased.

El bit her lip for a moment, trying to stop her grin from widening any further because it was hurting her cheeks now. "Well me and Mike had our swimming practice and things got...heated." She said unable to keep in her giggle.

She could practically hear Max's grin. "What do you mean by heated?"

El's enthusiasm exploded and she happily told Max the story of buying the red bikini, Mike's reaction to it, trying to remain calm and swim and finally giving in and making out. How fiery it had gotten, how he had touched her. El felt a rush of excitement, ready to tell Max what she did next.

"...and then I touched his p – "

"El can I speak with you in the lounge?" Hopper asked suddenly appearing by the door and almost giving El a heart attack, her eyes wide in mortification for what she was about to say and what her dad might have just caught.

"What did you touch El? I didn't catch that last bit." Max's voice sounded through the bedroom causing El to shake and a cold sweat to rush to her forehead.

Hopper was still staring at her, looking oddly anxious and it only added to her mortification.

"Er...t-the hamster! I got to touch the hamster in science class. You know the pet one?" El suddenly blabbed out.

"What?" Max's confused voice called.

"Can we talk now El? You can call Max back." Hopper said, a frown on his face before he left the room and went back to the living room.

El quickly grabbed the super com the moment he left. "Sorry Max, dad came in and I had to say something."

Max laughed. "That's okay. So...a hamster eh?"

" was much bigger than a hamster..." El snorted.

"El!" Max exclaimed, shocked at her suggestive tone.

El laughed, "sorry! I'll call you later okay? I need to go see what dad wants."

"Geez good luck! I hope he didn't hear about the hamster..." Max said playfully.

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