Chapter 29: Homecoming

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AN: I just want to thank each and everyone of you that has read TLYD so far. Your feedback and votes mean the world to me <3

I worried a story with smut would put people off, but I hope you all know that I write it not only to explore this side of my writing but because I like to write things as realistically as I can. And to me, this is a normal part of life and not something to be ashamed of <3

So on that note, it's Homecoming and time for Mike and El's first time <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter as it was one of my favourites to write.

Warning: Smut in the last section of the chapter. Please only read this story if you are old enough. Remember that it is rated MATURE for a reason!


November 1986

Homecoming was two weeks away and whilst it was just obvious Mike and El were going together, he wanted to officially ask her. So that was what he was doing, hovering in his kitchen waiting for the Eggos to pop up whilst El was getting a movie set up for them in the basement.

"Michael why are you making Eggos? Dinner is in the oven, should be ready in an hour." His mom said walking into the kitchen to check on the pot roast.

Mike blushed slightly, leaning back against the counter near the toaster. "I know mom. But they're for El..." he said shrugging.

Karen turned to her son and smiled. "I should have known." She commented playfully. Her eyes lingered on the squirty cream, chocolate sauce and candy. Karen raised her eyebrow, "you're going to spoil her appetite before dinner."

"No I won't. Anyway, this is important." Mike mumbled turning to the toaster which had just popped up the steaming Eggos.

Karen chuckled and leaned her hip against the counter, her arms crossed as she assessed her son. "Why is it so important?" When she noticed the way her son blushed, she added "you can tell me Michael."

Mike sighed and put the Eggos on a big plate. "It's my way of asking her to Homecoming. Okay?"

His mom blinked confused and then looked at the added ingredients as understanding hit her. "Oh I see. You're going to write something on the Eggos?"

"Yeah that's what I'm planning..." Mike muttered feeling embarrassed as he turned to the Eggos and waited for them to cool down slightly. He tried to pretend his mom wasn't stood nearby until he heard an odd sniffling noise and turned around to look at her quizzingly, confusion hitting his face when he realised she was crying.

"Mom why are you crying?" Mike asked slightly bemused by this strange turn of events. Why would him asking El to Homecoming on a bunch of Eggos upset his mother?!

Karen shook her head, chuckling softly to herself as she wiped at her tears. "It's're growing up so quickly Michael. You're such a wonderful son and such a gentleman with El. I couldn't be prouder."

Mike stared at her for a moment, trying to bite back the way his throat suddenly closed up with emotion and how tight his chest felt. He knew he wasn't a perfect son and his mom and dad weren't perfect parents, but they had all been trying over the years to make things better. It certainly helped that his mom knew about El and everything that had happened in 1983. And Mike's change in attitude had everything to do with El. She made him want to be a better person, a better boyfriend, friend, brother and son.

"Thanks mom. That...that means a lot." Mike croaked out, looking down at his shoes as he scuffed them slightly on the floor feeling awkward and stupid for how much he wanted to sob at how his mom felt proud of him.

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