Chapter 18: Sex Ed with Max and Dustin

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AN: Just a warning to say that this chapter does contain sexual themes. Not proper smut yet, but still enough to warrant a warning! 

It also contains one of my favourite scenes to write between El, Max and Hopper! Enjoy! 


Early December 1985

"Are you sure this is safe?" El asked Max nervously. Both girls sat on her bed, their legs straight out in front of them.

"Yeah totally! So now we've applied the wax, we just need to attach the strip." Max said brightly.

El frowned but did as she was told, mimicking Max who had placed a wax strip down on her leg and rubbed it on. They stared at their wax strip for a moment as if expecting magic to happen. " what happens now?" El asked tentatively.

Max picked up the copy of Seventeen magazine she had been using as their guide. " says to 'remove your wax strip quickly in the opposite direction to hair growth and as close to the skin as possible'."

El sighed, right, okay that doesn't sound too bad. She reasoned to herself.

"On the count of three. One, two, three – holy shit!" Max shrieked.

"Fuck!" El exclaimed for the first time in her life as she ripped the wax strip off.

Max turned to her with a look of surprise, unsure if El's cursing or the shock of how waxing felt had stunned her more. Both girls burst out laughing.

"How on earth are we going to do the rest?!" El said panicking through her nervous laughter.

Max grabbed the magazine again as if hoping it would have the answer. "It's got to get better! It must just hurt on the first one." She reasoned hopefully.

El bit her lip and tried to agree. She put the wooden stick in the pot of warm wax and bravely stroked it onto her leg once more. Max took a deep breath and followed suit. They patted down their wax strip in the direction of their hair growth.

"We can totally do this." El said trying to psych them up.

"Absolutely!" Max agreed with determination. The girls looked at each other with fierce eyes before nodding and ripping the strip off their legs.

"Shit!" They both grimaced in unison.

El huffed, "let's just try and get it done as quickly as possible." Max nodded, through her watering eyes. The girls continued putting on the wax and ripping it off their legs, both yelping and cursing along the way.

The last bit to do was by their ankles. "We're almost there." El panted, her forehead slightly sweaty from the apprehension that waxing caused.

"I...I heard this part of the ankle can be a bit sensitive." Max said her voice trembling slightly. El gaped at her, never having seen her best friend this apprehensive before. It only made El's anxiety double.

"We're almost there. Just this one." El reminded Max, trying to keep it together.

Max nodded sheepishly and they applied their wax once more and hesitantly slapped on the strip. "Ready?" El said turning to the red head.

"Yes, let's get it over with." Max said, her jaw tightening. Both girls yanked at their strips and pulled them back quickly.

"FUCK!" Max and El screamed.

There was a bang in the corridor and Hopper came running into El's bedroom, her door hitting the wall loudly at the force in which the chief had slammed it open.

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