Chapter 14: Mike's 15th Birthday

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AN: Thank you so much to everyone who has read the story so far and to those who have left a vote! You're all amazing :-D 

Just a warning that in this chapter Mike and El will continue to explore their more intimate relationship, so just a warning for sexual themes! 


October 1985

El had been ecstatic when she found out from the party that Mike's birthday was coming up. He had conveniently not mentioned it to her. When she confronted him about it he had blushed and said it just wasn't important to him and told her something about "middle child syndrome", whatever that was. Mike might not have been bothered by his upcoming birthday but El was determined to make it his best birthday yet.

She had called his mom and discussed what they could do for his birthday, Karen had mentioned that Mike usually liked to have a sleepover with his friends and El almost begged if she and Max could attend too. Karen had sighed saying it was fine with her as long as it was okay with the chief.

Convincing her dad to allow her to stay the night at Mike's had been no small task. El pestered him for an entire week, explaining how it wasn't just going to be her, there would be four other teenagers. He finally caved when she begged for the millionth time. "Just make sure it stays the six of you El! I mean it. No sneaking off to his room or anything." Hopper had warned.

"I promise." El had said seriously, willing to say anything to make sure the sleepover took place.

"Good." Hopper had answered in relief, clearly knowing that El didn't take promises lightly, and she didn't break them either.

El had spent a good full day trying to find the perfect present in the limited Hawkins shops, finally having a fit of rage that there were no shops in the small town. She gave her dad the best bambi eyes she could possibly make to ask if they could pretty please go to the mall in the next town over. Hopper had pinched his nose and finally relented.

So that was how El found herself on Friday after school, in the mall with Max and a very bored Hopper trailing behind them.

"How about clothes?" Max suggested, clearly getting just as bored as the chief.

"No." El sighed, peering at the shop windows they walked past in the large shopping centre.

"He's a nerd. Just get him something to do with Star Wars." Hopper mumbled from the back.

El shook her head, "no Dustin and Lucas have already got him figurines. Plus, I want this to be...special."

"God give me strength." Hopper sighed, rubbing his hand over his tired forehead. "Girls I'm going for coffee and contemplation."

El turned to her dad with a frown, "You always have your coffee and contemplation in the morning."

Hopper laughed, "I worked the night shift kid, so I need the coffee."

"And the contemplation?" Max asked playfully.

"The contemplation is for trying to understand how I ended up spending my Friday night looking for the perfect gift for Michael Wheeler." He deadpanned causing Max to laugh loudly and El to scowl.

"We didn't need him anyway." El said sniffing indignantly as she carried on walking with Max and Hopper headed to the coffee shop. "His ideas were rubbish."

"Oh, I don't know. I like the toilet papering the basement idea and getting him a tarantula." Max snorted.

"Max I'm serious! I need to get him the perfect present!" El stopped walking and turned to her best friend with an almost desperate expression.

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