Chapter 12: Hello High School

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September 1985

"Mom!" Mike and Nancy moaned in unison as they stood at the bottom of the stairs with Holly in front of them.

"Just one more!" Karen grinned, shaking the polaroid photo she had just taken. "This is such a big day. Nancy's last year of high school, Michael's first year and Holly's first day of Kindergarten!" She sniffed taking another photo, her only child smiling was Holly.

Mercifully the sound of a horn beeping was brought to all their attention and Nancy and Mike immediately relaxed. "That's our ride mom. See you later." Nancy said in relief.

Karen didn't let them leave without giving them a kiss on the cheek and Mike quickly rubbed the offending lipstick mark away before giving Holly a hug goodbye and following Nancy out of the house.

"Sorry we took a while. Mom wouldn't let us go without a kiss." Nancy laughed getting into the front passenger seat next to her boyfriend.

"That's okay, don't worry." Jonathan said grinning before leaning in and giving Nancy a soft kiss on the lips, making Mike and Will fake gag in the back of the car. The older teens pretended not to notice their immature brothers and finally sat back, Jonathan starting the car and Nancy holding his spare hand.

"How was your mom this morning?" Mike asked Will giving him a knowing look. He knew that Joyce Byers was ten times worse than his mom.

Will cringed, "she was bad. She went between taking photos, kissing me on the cheek and crying into my shoulder."

Mike chuckled and sat back looking out of the window for a moment. He'd barely thought about the impact of starting high school, he was more preoccupied with thinking of Eleven. Was she okay? Would she change her mind and decide school wasn't for her?

As if reading his thoughts, Will asked, "hey how's El? Is Hopper bringing her this morning?"

Mike turned to his best friend and nodded, "yeah Hopper's driving her in. I told him to drop her off by the bike stand and we'll meet her there." He said before biting his lip anxiously. "She was really nervous when I spoke to her last night. She's scared you know..."

Will smiled sympathetically. "That's understandable. I'm scared about high school, it's gotta be ten times worse for her. But we'll look after her." He told Mike confidently.

Mike side smiled, "yeah we will."

Ten minutes later Mike was stood fidgeting nervously at the bike stand with Dustin, Lucas, Max and Will. He had barely spoken to his excitable friends, keeping his dark eyes on the parking lot.

Finally, Hopper's truck came into site and Mike exhaled a shaky breath he didn't even realise he had been holding. The Chevrolet stopped not too far from the bike stand and he felt a smile creep up his face as he saw El talking to Hopper, giving him a kiss on the cheek before jumping out of the truck.

She straightened up and caught Mike's eye and at the same time he thought his heart had stopped. She looked beautiful. El was wearing a knee length white cotton dress with a pink floral design. The dress cut just off her shoulders and had long sleeves. Her curly hair was flowing wild and free and Mike felt like he was staring at an angel as she walked over to him and the party.

He finally managed to get himself out of the daze enough to walk forward, meeting El and bringing her into a tight embrace. His cheek went to the side of her curly hair and he grinned sheepishly. "You look amazing." He told her apprehensively.

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