Chapter 26: I Wanna Feel The Heat

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AN: Okay so we have a little bit of angst in this chapter! Let me know what you think and thank you for your kudos and comments so far :-)

Warning: Smut in the last section.


August 1986

"In space, no one can hear you scream!" Max cackled evilly to a skittish Lucas as the party minus Will walked into the movie theatre ready to watch Aliens.

"Cut it out MadMax! I don't even know why I'm here. You know Alien scared the shit out of me," Lucas mumbled to his girlfriend as they waited around the foyer.

Max rolled her eyes and squeezed Lucas's hand. "You're here because I'll protect you stalker. Plus it's your obligation as my boyfriend to love the things I love."

"So does that include myself?" Lucas teased with mirth.

Max huffed half-heartedly, "you're hilarious stalker." She deadpanned before leaning in and kissing him.

El giggled at the pair, loving them both and their relationship. "You excited babe?" Mike whispered in her ear, his arms tightly around her waist as he hugged her from behind. Babe had been a very recent addition that Mike had started calling El. At first it had confused her but he explained it was a term of endearment that couples sometimes used, she always flushed happily when he said it. Although their friends always teased them whenever the term slipped out a little too loudly.

El didn't know if excited would be the term she would use in regards to seeing the Aliens film. Will had decided not to come, he said it was because the first Alien film had understandably reminded him of the Mind Flayer and he suspected the second film would be just as bad.

"Yeah it should be good." El finally said turning her head slightly so she could smile up at Mike. He grinned back at her and planted a soft kiss on her nose that made her giggle.

"Geez you two are sickly sweet." Dustin teased next to them.

"Hey, what about you and Maggie? I'd say you two are pretty sweet too." El said smiling, happy that her matchmaking skills had worked on her two friends back in June.

"Yeah we are pretty sweet." Dustin reasoned with a smirk before sighing. "Shame she doesn't like horror films though..."

"Have I taught you nothing little bro? You don't bring a date to the movies to watch the movie." Steve's voice called as he walked up to the group, holding up six tickets.

"I guess." Dustin mumbled whilst Steve ruffled his hair affectionately.

"Right you shit heads owe me seeing as you wouldn't be seeing this movie if it wasn't for me." Steve said pointedly as he gave them each their tickets.

"Thanks Steve!" they all said eagerly whilst their guardian just chuckled in amusement before giving El her ticket and giving her a serious look.

"And remember, no telling the chief that I bought you a ticket to see Aliens okay? He'd rip me a new asshole. He thinks you're seeing Pretty in Pink for the 12th time, okay?" Steve reiterated to El, just like he had when he picked her up from the cabin half an hour ago.

"Yes." She told him eagerly before grabbing her ticket. The group all dispersed to get snacks, with Mike buying him and El a bucket of popcorn and a drink to share. She kept holding his hand the entire time and taking in the excited atmosphere of the movie theatre. It had soon become one of her favourite places to go with her friends and her boyfriend.

"Ooh Stand By Me. That looks cool." Dustin commented as the group walked towards theatre 1 and passed a few advertisement posters.

"Yeah we can see that next." Mike said eagerly, as his dark eyes stayed on the poster for a moment as he walked past with El.

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