chapter 9

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I woke up and i got changed i put on my black 'bite me I'm organic' tank top, with my green shorts.

i straightened my hair like usual putting on mascara and eyeliner. i then woke Jack up and told him i was taking his jeep.

i drove to Camerons and toni was waiting outside. she smiled and got in the jeep. Kalin and Myles was on the radio.

we drove to the cabin. which seem like it took forever, but when we got there it was huge. we had a ton of land.

As we toured the house it was perfect. i smiled at Toni, and she was happy to.

when we went out back we had a in ground pool, a trampoline, and an 3 stall garage. we loved it 

the guy there said if we didn't want it we could rent it for 1500 a month. Toni and I agreed to keep it.

we started moving stuff in today. Luke, Cameron, and jack helped. we had everything moved except we needed a few things.

so we went and bought what we needed and then we had everything. Toni and Cameron had a room, luke and i had a room.

then we had 2 extra rooms, 2 bathrooms. A living room, a dining room, a huge kitchen, and the attic and basement.

we had everything here so we decided to go swimming. When everyone got in we noticed a hot tub in the corner.

Cameron , toni, and jack got in first. we had invited carter, and Haylee over. They weren't here yet.

As Luke and i swam in The deeper end away from everyone else. we both went under water.

we both had our eyes opened to, I noticed him moving closer. I smiled and went up, I'm surprised he didn't pull me back down.

When he came up I went under. we kept doing that until he finally got under water he pulled me under.

He kissed me, but i didn't seem happy. He pulled away quicker than usually. i went up and so did he.

"what's wrong" I asked

"My lip still Hurts from where you bit me" he whined

"oops well if you let me go i wouldn't have bit you" I smirked.

"really" he kissed me again.

He didn't seem as he was in much pain. I kissed him back a bit more roughly. he pushed me against the side.

He put his hand under my thighs signaling for me to jump up. so I did wrapping my legs around his torso.

i the kiss deepened. i heard someone yell i smiled until they yelled again.

"get a damn room" toni yelled

"stop" I pushed Luke away.

He did stop and put me back in the water all the way. He started swimming over to the rest of them.

i just stayed in the corner and went under fixing my hair. When I came back up Haylee was in front of me 

"can i help you" I asked

"no" she swam away

um OK. I swam over to everyone else and they stared at me. I decided to get out to go to the hot tub.

i sat alone for the longest time, then Toni and Haylee came and sat down. we talked about Cameron, luke, and carter.

we then decided to go to the trampoline, even though we were wet. it was fun slipping and then falling.

since toni and i haven't ate all day we went in and made soup. we sat on the patio and ate.

While everyone kept swimming. they were playing some stupid game i didn't even know what it was called.

After toni and i finished we both changed out of our bikinis in to all black. we put our hair up and put lines under our eyes.

we walked out and sat back down. nobody really noticed. we decided to play man hunt tonight. we had so much land why not.

After they all got out i gave Haylee clothes and the boys all wore Luke's clothes. except for Jack he refused to wear them.

He had to be so fucking difficult didn't he. i didn't argue with him he went home and got different clothes.

While he was gone toni and Cam were in her room, and since i was oldest i got the master room.

It was huge it had its own bathroom, a walk in closet. it was perfect, except Luke had just got his own apartment.

so he wouldn't be staying with me a lot, but i get to bring banana here. i want another dog, but not sure what to get.

As we waited for Jack it was only 4:15 so we had a lot of time. we waited for him to come back.

He took forever. i was sitting on my phone looking up tattoo ideas when Jack came back.

we now had to pick teams. We would have a team of 4 and a team of 3. so i was a captain and Haylee was a captain.

i pick Jack first, and Luke looked mad. Haylee picked toni, so i picked Luke. He stood behind me

i let Haylee have the team of 4. so we counted first. we set boundaries and gave them 4 minutes.

i sat back on the couch with Luke next to me. Jack stood in the kitchen. i had a timer set for when we could go.

When the timer went off the first place I went was the attic in the garage. I found carter.

i then decided to look upfront. Luke didn't seem very happy. He stayed close to me, like he was scared.

I wonder if he ever played this before, I know Haylee has when we were 7 before Andrew died.

we would play in the woods. As i walked up front i heard for steps in the rocks. i turned and saw toni.

i ran for her, I didn't get there in time she had already become safe. I knew Cam would be around.

i stayed close to the house not wanting him to get safe. I started walking towards the woods and i heard him yell.

He had made it to the patio. that left Haylee, I knew she would have a way to make it.

Then again she doesn't know the land yet, so she would probably fail. I walked back to the house.

Jack went to check the woods and Luke was standing in one spot. I found Haylee in the corner by the window to the basement.

After we compromised we went to the woods before it got dark. we walked through the woods, to see some trails. 

As it got dark we headed back to the house so my team could hide. Jack under the front porch.

Luke and i went into the woods. i knew Toni would come looking. we hid by a huge oak tree.

i heard toni talking, i then saw her walked by with Cam. i slowly shifted so i could run, when I made a sound.

Toni looked, but turned away. Luke had already left so I had to go. i started running for the house.

i heard toni yell, Jack was on the porch already. I was still in the woods when toni tackled me.

i was laying on the ground with toni on top of me. she then started crying, and she fell to the side.

i immediately got up, she was holding her knee. I moved her hands, she had a gash in he knee.

everyone came running and Cam called 911. she was took to the hospital in an ambulance.

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