Chapter 6

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At Taco Bell I got a quesadilla and Luke got a crunch wrap. We ate not really talking about much.

After we ate, I headed back home. So I would have to see Jack again. Before i left I pecked Luke's lips.

He smiled and said bye, as I left. I had just gotten home, and Toni was still here. I forgot she was here she was quiet.

I walked in and her and Jack were on the couch talking. I didn't even care I just walked by and went to my room.

I sat on the bed and pulled out the note my mother left, I kept rereading it until Toni came in.

"What are you reading" she asked sitting next to me

"The letter mom left me" I replied

"Oh she left me one to" she said

"Oh" I folded the note back up.

"Will you please to get your converse out of Jacks room for me I don't want to just walked in" she asked

"Sure" I got up.

I walked out, going over to jacks room. Which pair did she want . I went in and jack was on the bed.

Next thing I knew Toni slammed the door shut, and locked it. Great now I'm stuck in here with Jack.

I sat on the bed next to Jack. I won't apologize, because I didn't do anything.

"I'm sorry, it's just I-I was hoping you wouldn't date him" Jack said quietly

"Why" I spat out

"Because I-I uh like you, more than just friends." Jacks voice drifted in the air.

"Me to Jack, but I don't want to ruin our friendship" I hugged him.

"Ok" he hugged back.

we sat on the bed, talking about things Andrew would do. Like he would always run to the basement, and scream, to see if we could hear him upstairs.

We never could, no matter how loud he yelled. Up we would never hear him.

After Toni opened the door, we both walked out smiling. I actually loved him.

I then asked if Luke could come over. Jack hesitated, but said yes. So I messaged Luke and he said he was coming.

When Luke got here, we sat in the kitchen. I knew Jack was watching us. So I kissed Luke.

He kissed back placing a hand on my neck. I smiled into the kiss and moved back.

Luke smiled to, and then I looked to see anger in jacks face.

"Shit" Jack mumbled

"What" I asked

"My parents will be him in 2 week" he replied

"Oh" I said

I went to the coffee pot, making more coffee. I drank one cup after another. Luke kept looking at me funny

I just finished drinking, and then grabbed Luke's hand pulling him to the couch.

I sat next to Jack with Luke on my other side. I decided to sit on jacks lap then let Luke have my feet.

He traced the infinity sign tattoo, with a forever written on it. Toni had the other that said sisters.

I played with Jacks hair. It was hilarious because Luke looked so jealous. So I kept doing it.

I smiled at Luke and kissed jacks cheek. Luke's face went red and we got up walking out side.

I got up and followed him, when I got out side Luke was sitting in his car. I got in sitting upfront.

"what's wrong" I asked grabbing his hand

"you, you keep kissing Jack or playing with his hair. I don't like it" he looked up.

"I'm sorry, but I love you" I kissed his cheek.

He turned his head and started pecking my lips, then going to my jaw, and down my neck.

I let out a small moan when he got to my sweet spot. I felt him smile against my skin as he kept kissing me.

I soon was straddling his lap in this cramped car. He hand his hands on my lower back.

I had my hands around his neck, kissing his jawline. i soon heard Luke open the door.

I got off Luke's lap . I smiled and went inside.

I went and sat back down on jacks lap. He didn't change his expression. He had a serious expression.

When Luke came in he sat on the other side of the couch and didn't talk. He looked mad , so I got off jacks lap and sat in the middle of them.

"emily" Jack looked at me "I'm moving out" 

"when" I said trying not to cry

"after my parents get back" he looked at his lap

"ok"  Is all I could sadly before the tears were streaming down my face

Jack hugged me and whispered something.

"you can come when ever you want" he said letting go

"you can come live with me"  Luke added

"im.moving into an apartment down the road"

"ok I will probably stay you" I looked at Luke.

Jack didn't seem to care he knew I loved him, no matter what happened.

I laid my head on Luke's shoulder. it was only 8, so I didn't want to go to bed. I was tired though.

I soon drifted off to sleep.

+++in the morning+++

when I woke up I was laying next to Luke on the couch. His arms wrapped around my waist.

i didn't move not wanting to wake him. He eventually let go and turned.  so that's when I got up.

I went to the bathroom putting my hair in 2 french braids. i then stuck on my tribal leggings and a yellow half shirt.

i put in a under Armor headband, then headed to the kitchen. 

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