| 2 - Kim Junya/Sarah |

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Jungkook: Hana, what the fuck are you doing?

He asked me, while wearing a very revealing shirt and comfortable pants and a holding ciggarette in his hand, smoking it. I was in the corner of the room, covering myself completely with the white and good-smelling blanket, even tho I had clothes underneath it and was holding a vase in my grip, for protection.

Me: You think I trust you? Hell nah! I can't trust you one bit!

Jungkook: You little- Come here! I had to go through so much trouble, just to get you out of that shit place! And you still manage to complain and say you don't trust me. You fucking- Come here I said!

He walked at me, scarying the Beast in me. As he was about to grab, I dodge his hand and jump on top of the bed. I went all Jackie~Chan mode, and prepared myself for the Battle.

Jungkook: Are you serious? What the fuck are you doing?

Me: Listen, I already thanked you. Can't you just let me go home already? I have Business Papers to take care of that YOU! threw at my face to complete! Forgot?

Jungkook: Instead of beating Kids up, get your work done. And don't complain about work when you haven't even started yet

Shoving his hands inside his pockets as he pulled out another ciggarette to smoke, then stood in front of the huge window he had.

I slowly sat down on his king and comfortable Bed. However, I didn't quite understand the concept of me being here so I scratched my head before questioning the current situation.

Me: Boss, why did you bring me here? Don't I annoy you and trouble you, then why have me around in the first place?

I had my head low, while asking. I didn't receive a reply, so I just sighed believing that he probably doesn't open much about his own thoughts and minds. But when I took a glance at him, I noticed that he was looking at me with the ciggarette hanging on the bottom of his lip.

Jungkook: I don't have to have a decent reason inorder to have you around now do I?

Me: That's too many 'have's. It's sounds weird when you say it tho. Wow

Jungkook: Should I kill you?

Me: So...does this mean I have to spend the night here?

Jungkook: Just shut up and lay down already, you are annoying the shit out of me. I have something to do so just lie down and get your shit together

Me: Again, too many 'shit'

I say, staring at my nails. When he heard that, he showed me his fist and I faked a laugh before slowly lowering myself and lying down. And when I completely laid down, I heard a sigh and a door open then close, I felt like I was finally able to breath. Which is perfect.

Not even realizing how tired I was, it hasn't even been a second where I closed my eyes and at that same moment drifted into my own Disneyland.

Xio: So you slept at Mr.Jeon's Place?

Me: Yup. Never doing that again. I guess I was just dead tired, and he literally helped me go out of Jail, I am thankful but for not kidnapping!

Mr.BossWhere stories live. Discover now