24 - The Grand Finally

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                { Hana's POV }

I slowly opened my eyes, blinked a few times before smelling something nice in the air. I sat up and was surprised seeing I was on a soft and king bed, surrounded by pure red roses and bright candles. I smiled to myself like an idiot, without any reason.

???: Like it?

I looked to my side, gasped loudly getting startled by Jungkook who was sitting beside me suddenly.

Jungkook: How are you feeling? I leave you only for a bit and you immidiately fell asleep in your ex-Bosses House, brave aren't ya?

Me: Should I be scared instead?

Jungkook: I think you should, I'm a Beast, a scary one who will extremely dangerous and will cause you a lot of trouble

Me: I've experienced a few of it, so I'm not scared of you

I smiled brightly at him, then slowly grabbing his hand and gently held it. He was very surprised by my sudden action.

Jungkook: The fuck-!

Me: I never thought...you hated me. It honestly scared me the most for some reason, I'm not sure why

In the middle of talking, I began tearing up and no longer could hold it and felt those tears roll down my cheeks as I continued to speak my heart out to him.

Me: I...felt so bad for leaving the Company so suddenly and coldly, I knew for a fact that I...hurted the feelings of many. I don't understand why I hated the feeling of leaving you Boss, the...the thought of you...made me cry. I missed you and...I lov-!

A warm and soft hand gently touched my cheek, turned my head to the side and made me face Jungkook, who slowly began leaning in and softly had his forehead against mine.

Jungkook: No more Boss, more Jungkook

He glanced down at my lips, before slowly pressing his lips against mine and with his heavy weight pushing me down on the bed. I laid on my back while he was on top of me, he kept kissing me gently yet passionetly. After breaking the kiss, he leaned backwards a little and smirked a bit.

Jungkook: Same goes to you so...never leave my side Hana, understood?

With tears of joy in my eyes, I couldn't speak properly only shaked my head up and down, and wrapped my arms around his neck pulled him down to me and hugged him tightly. And so did he.

However I felt a hand go inside my shirt and from the back, when wanting to sit up...I noticed how Jungkook pulled himself and in his grip...I saw my bra. With wide eyes I scream as loud as I possibly could and covered my chest.


Not letting me speak, he grabs my leg and forcefully pulls me towards me, hovers above me and kisses my forehead with his soft lips. He leans against my ear, then whispers with his deep gorgeous voice.

"I love you, Kim Hana"

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