Lost 4.21.15

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My boys I miss you so, I just want you back
My aches are so real, feels like a heart attack
My mind is so confused, constantly turning
I hurt all the time, I know it's from yearning
Wish I could go back and start over again
Wish I'd have fought harder, then maybe I'd win
Your brothers are struggling, don't know what to do
Your sisters are lost, your parents too We're supposed to keep going, that's what they all say
Don't think they understand, no how no way
People always ask "hi, how are you" Replies are automatic, but oh if they knew
Haven't come to see you, haven't visited your grave
Not since laying Marcus to rest, feels like I'm lost in a cave
How selfish of me not making myself go
So distraught and angry, only God knows
For now I'll keep smiling, pretending and being
It's the only way I know to not show my true feelings
By: Jennifer Simon-Golden

Miss and love you both you boys so very badly. I only take little comfort knowing you're both together because selfish me, wants you both here.

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