2-Too Deep

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Luke's POV

"So how much do you like him? I asked the dreaded question as we were in the same place on my b e as yesterday.

"A lot, A lot." She said I held back a negative reaction. She smiled happily. "His lips, hair, neck." She said longingly. "I would appreciate everything about him." She said the look in her eyes as she said it screamed that there was truth in what she was saying I didn't have to see mine to see that they were painted sadness because I could feel it. "Have you ever felt that way about someone?" She asked looking at me. I nodded back, she didn't ask who it was thankfully I would have been at a loss of words if she did.

"Yeah, I wish I didn't though."

"Same, it's getting me down." She said. That didn't make me feel good.

"Listen I know that you like him but I don't want you getting upset over him. There is better." I said mumbling the last part.

"I'm already too deep." She said smiling as she rolled over to look at me. I felt my chest flutter She was just as close as always but it always felt new.

"Is this not deep?

"It is, but I mean like the feeling for him is like sitting in my closet listening to music deep. Like sometimes I think of him and lose my appetite feeling."

"Usually losing your appetite means you don't like something." I said she laughed.

"When I look at him all I feel is him and there is no room for hunger." She said which explained lunch yesterday. Today was Saturday and it was raining and it wasn't helping either of our moods. I just wish that if she was going to fall for someone it would be me. But that's wrong to say, she's already sold to another.

Emma didn't end up sleeping over that night only because Jack wasn't home that night. Moms rule was always if she was gone then Jack had to be home. I asked him if he'd come home but he said no. So before it got dark I walked Emma home and then walked home alone as the sun was setting. But the whole time that I was walking I just couldn't get her off of my mind even if I wanted to. I hated how I felt and I hated how she felt but there was nothing I could do about either of those things. Maybe except go with it. Maybe that was what I was going to do. I nodded as I walked into my empty house locking the door behind me. The truth was that I cared so much about Emma that I was giving in that I was about to put my own happiness below hers. I decided that I would have a talk with Calum on Monday in math. If I can't win I'll make Emma. Even if it hurts.

I went through with my plan because i was awaiting Calum in math class. He haven't entered the room yet so I sat there thinking of ways to pitch the idea of Enma to him. I really didn't have a clue, what would I say? I didn't know how much he knew about her. But I did know one thing about him, he wasn't the best at math. He was in a sophomore math class when he was a junior. Emma was decent at math, I think? What if I were to ask him if he wanted her help that would surly spark something. I snapped out of my daze to see the boy himself walking in he smiled at me and greeted his friends in his way to his seat. He said down and punched my arm.

"Hey!" He said all happy like and I wished I could relate. I smiled back though and got on with the class pretending we were best friends talking the whole class. I didn't know much about him before that but after it felt like I had know him a little. Worksheet time in the class was always a hartime for Calum he just never seemed to get it and that's probably why he was in this class.

"I just don't get it man." I lied as I looked at the paper I had purposely not filled out. There was no doubt I knew it I was one of the better in the class but I was hoping he would reply with what I wanted.

"I don't either." He replied.

"I usually get help from Emma she knows what's she's doing." I said he looked at me and smiled.

"Help?" He said raising his eye brow and it made me jealous knowing that she wanted to help him the way he thought she'd help me.

"Not like that." I said laughing. "But I'm sure she could give you some help." I said leaving it up to him what I mean by help. Either way I'm sure Emma would be ok.

"You think she would?" He asked I nodded.

"What day?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Friday's work best for me." I instantly felt a pain in my chest knowing what I started.

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