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The bell rang and I was never more in a rush to leave. Like always Michael was wating at the corner of the hall for me.

"I fucked my self over." I said sighing as I walked with him towards the next class. I had exactly two minutes to get there with Michael and I had exactly two hours before I got to break the news to Emma.

"What do you mean?" He has I bit my lip.

"I managed to set up Calum to get some help with math homework." I said Michael looked at me confused. "With Emma, at her house." I added his jaw look like it almost dropped.

"Why would you do that?" He asked sounding disappointed. "Are you trying to lose this race?" He asked I rolled my eyes.

"I lost it a long time ago."

"Is she over Calums house every day?" Michael asked to make a point but if didn't make me feel better.

"Not yet."

"Don't say that." Now all I had to do was wait for this class to be over so I could tell Emma the news.

Emma's POV

School was over for the day and the same old routine as going on like always. I met Luke outside of the class he was in that day and then we walked home. It had mostly been silent the walk home for no reason. I couldn't wait to just get back to whosever house we were going to and lie down.

"What are you doing Friday?" I'm like asked I looked over and smiled at him he already knew that I wouldn't have anything to do.

"You already know nothing." I said elbowing him. Luke laughed with a smile on his face.

"How would you feel about helping that stupid fucking junior with math after school?" He asked and I felt my heart stop and I had to try hard to keep my legs moving.

"Calum?" I asked to confirm he nodded. "When did this come to be?" I asked.

"I decided I'd help you out when I was in math." He said and as soon as he saw my smile I could tell he got happier. I stood in front of his closed front door with him. I felt like the sun shined through me. I threw my arms around hugging him. My head met his chest and he hugged back with one of his hands in my air.

"I couldn't get a better best friend." I said he laughed.

"Your right." He said as he released me changing his tone.

"Can I go take a nap?" I asked going to open the door.

"You usually do."

Five day time skip

I was so nervous to the point where I was almost shaking. I've only ever waited outside a class at the end of the day for Luke, not anyone else. That felt weird enough but it was an even weirder feeling when I realized I wouldn't be seeing Luke after school today. He slipped in while telling me what Calums last class was that he would be spending the night at Michaels, of course I didn't mind that he never slept over other people house and it seemed the both of us were doing new things today. I was profusely tapping my fingers on my desk as I waited for the clock to hit 2:30.

As soon as it did I jumped out and went to head out the room. As soon as the herd of people cleared I saw a new face standibg there, Calum. He smiled waving I waved back walking over to him. It was at that moment I realized that I'd never spoken to him and I was about to take him to my house. I didn't mind, I'd dreamt about today. He almost instantly took my hand into a shake as I got close.

"I'm Calum." Hesaod letting go of my hand but my heart had already stopped pumping blood.

"Emma." I replied he laughed.

"I know." I didn't know what to say after that so I started to walk towards the exit of the left wing of the school hoping he would follow. "So um Luke said you knew how to do math, do you mind trying to help the helpless?" He asked I shrugged.

"I've got nothing better to do on this Friday night." I said smiling as we continued walking.

"Sometimes I have plans but that's only when Ashton doesn't have work." I nodded but I had no idea who Ashton was and I didn't want to ask because couldn't that be a girl name?

"I don't think I've had plans since about eight grade I said. He laughed.

"You walk with Luke every day after school don't you?" He asked I nodded.

"Well we live close so it's just we go the same way." I said which wasn't a lie but I didn't quite know why I just didn't say we liked to hang out.

It wasn't that long till we made it to my house. Of course no one was home, no one ever was. And even if someone was they wouldn't have cared about Calum. As a result I just was always with Luke. I sat down on my couch and threw my things on to the floor Calum cane over and sad down next to me but not to close like I would have liked. Out of his bag Calum pulled out one single sheet of homework and placed it on the coffe table looking down at it as he did and then back up at me. I leaned over the table looking at the sheet I laughed lightly, this was easy, Luke wasn't lying when he said that Calum was in the stupid class.

"Sorry." I mumbled, feeling bad that I had laughed from the way that Calum had looked at me I hoped he wasn't insulted. "So really all you have to do is divide those and then put them into fraction form and then your done. It looks like you got the rest." I said as I looked down at the paper each of the questions had at least a few lines of numbers scribbled down so he at least knew how to start it off but what he needed help with was so easy. Calum looked down at me with a grin as he took his pencil from off the table. Within 10 minutes of silence he got down all the questions and I checked them over, as far as I knew he did them all right. So really the work he'd been sent here for was done, but did that mean he had to leave?

"Done." Calum said looking up at me with that adorable smile.

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