7-you cant expect me to put you first

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Luke's POV

I have one class with Emma and that's the only time I see her now a days. It's been a few weeks since I have even hung out with her. The last time I did was when I told her that she was about to hang out with Calum. After that I had not seen her long enough to talk. I only saw her during lunch and I didn't even get her alone. That was until today. Kalee and Michael just didn't show up for school today. I assumed they were with each other but I was sitting at lunch alone. The table was empty but that was until Emma walked in the room. She smiled and sat down next to me. I almost didn't want to smile back at all. I couldn't help it though and I did.

"Where is Kalee and Mikey?" She asked I shrugged. I wasn't in the mood to even look at her in a weird way. "What's new?" She asked following up her old question I shrugged again she looked down at her lap and sighed. She looked up at me and frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked. I think she knew the answer.

"You never take the time to see me anymore." I said. She looked more guilty than she had before.

"I don't mean to." She said slowly. "I've just been with Calum so much lately.

"I know." I said slowly. "I just wish you'd make time for me." I continued. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He's my boyfriend you can't expect to be put first anymore." She said I swore I could feel my heart break as she said it. My blood was boiling. "I'm sorry." I didn't want her apology.

"How could you even say that?" I asked. "If it wasn't for me he wouldn't even know your name." I said trying not to yell but I wanted to. "I got you two together to make you happy, so I could see you smile, not to be thrown away!"

She got up and left me all alone again, I texted my mom to come and get me again and finished my lunch trying my hardest to save my tears for my bedroom.

It's been a few weeks and I hadn't even talked to Emma, I haven't smiled at her, I haven't waved. But I've seen her in the halls smiling all happy with Calum and it hurt so bad because I had lost somthing I loved and I made myself lose it. She no longer sat with Kalee, Michael, and I she now sat with Calum and Ashton. It was just the three of them like now it was just the three of us. It was an unspoken rule that we didn't speak about Emma anymore. We all wanted her back but was mad she left in the first place. Mikey was just so mad that me and her werent together he knew how I felt because I felt so bad he could see it when he looked at me. But as time went on I slowly started to forget that she was once a big part of my life. And things got better I started hanging out with Mikey everyday that he wasn't with Kalee and we'd play video games and sing along to songs loud in my garage all day. I'd even starting playing the guitar with him sometimes. But know it was February and things were starting to fall back down onto me. The valentines dance was coming up and I had no one to go with.

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